Saturday, February 27, 2010

Unanswered "911" Pentagon Damage

Questions about the “911” damage to the Pentagon:

1. What happened to the 8,600 gallons of jet fuel?
2. Why is the date on a single Pentagon photo showing a remote fire flash dated “Sept 12th”
3. Why did the plane hit a section of the Pentagon that had no military personnel?
4. Why did the plane leave a much smaller hole in the Pentagon than its size.
5. Why was there very little fire damage considering a full gas tank, when the planes hitting the Twin Towers showed considerably more flames.?
6. With all the surveillance cameras available at the Pentagon, why are there not anymore photos available?
7. Why was the film from a surveillance camera on a nearby gas station hurriedly confiscated by FBI agents and not shared with the public or 9/11 Commission.
8. Why does the damage to the Pentagon looked like it was caused by a missile explosion?
9. Why were no parts of the “757” plane found at the crash site?
10. Why would the so called “Terrorists” not fly the alleged plane into the top of the Pentagon where it could do more intense damage?
11. Why is the major media who are controlled by major corporations such as : GE, VIACOM, ABC DISNEY, Rupert Murdoch’s FOX NEWS suppressing articles that are other than the “Official Story” for public reading?
12. If the “Official Story” is indeed the actual truth why is the government and major power centers holding it from the public?
13. It was like a “Cruise Missile” with wings. Quoted by a viewer.

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