Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Far Right and Health Care

The Far Right is using scare tactics like “Socialized Medicine”. Only the UK has Socialized Medicine, most of the other developed nations such as France and Germany who have the most successful single payer programs have “Socialized Health Insurance”. The UK is the only country that does not use private doctors. In addition, Europeans are able to purchase additional insurance through private carriers. Keep treatment decisions in the hands of private doctors not insurance companies. The “Far Right” has a major concern for any government program being successful as they know that once a program is successful the American people will embrace it, which will further erode the “Far Rights” power base. The real losers if health reform is passed will be Wall Street, Health Insurance Carriers, and the Drug Companies. If health reform is passed Americans will have less costly health care. The administrative costs for a private carrier is 22-25%, while Medicare’s admin. costs are just 2%. Before people make a judgment about single payer health care they should talk to Europeans and not listen to Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and the “Big Fear Spin” by the private health insurance industry. We already have socialized medical care it’s called: Medicare, Medical, Medicaid, VA Hospital, City and State sponsored programs. Lets just extend it to all people, squeeze the big profits out of the present system and benefit the majority of Americans. We are now paying out 15 to 16% of our GDP in health care, it’s time to Streamline the process, create uniformity and efficiency and get the “Fat Cats” out of health care. Do not renew the Bush tax cuts for the top 1%, which will give us the revenue needed for health care reform.

In the late 1940’s Harry Truman proposed health care reform and it was defeated by the AMA lobby and Southern Democrats who were concerned that a government program would require race integration in hospitals. Actually the FDR “New Deal” was a positive benefit to southerners as they were subsidized by the more affluent areas of the country. The Southerners have been so traditionally hung up on the race issue that the middle class has actually voted against its own self interest. The middle class American of today is still voting against their own self interest. It’s the tax payers in the top 1% of wealth who are the real winners in this “Right Wing” game to hoodwink the masses. The real purchasing power of the average American has decreased in the last 30 years primarily due to the successful PR Spin of the Far Right.

Starting with Reagan in the early 70’s the “Far Right” has been using “White Backlash”, homosexuality, union busting, abortion, and religious influence as a way of enticing the middle class away from its traditional progressive base and actually voting against its own self interest.

Unfortunately a lot of Americans are not that astute and can be influenced by: Fear, Sophisticated Public Relations, “Buzz Words”, and Advertising to make decisions that are not in their best interests. The Nazi’s were a consummate example of how brilliant “PR” can be used to fool the masses. The slogan “Things go better with Coke” are a good example of mass stupidity. Coke has relatively no food value and causes: tooth decay, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and digestive tract cancer. The purchase of cigarettes by the foolish public is another example of human ignorance. Fortunately through education the national smoking rate has dropped from 75 to 22%. Selling the “Sexiness” of clothing and automobiles to increase purchasing is another example of the “Sheeple Publics” gullibility and ignorance. The shrewd bankers have seductively enticed the guidable masses to take on credit card and mortgage debt that has created massive foreclosures and personal bankruptcies. How many people actually do the detailed homework to “Fact Find”, instead of listening to media sources that are not objective news, but are special interest “Spin Doctors” such Fox News, “Fair and Balanced”. People actually believe “Fair and Balanced”, and Rupert Murdoch is laughing all the way to the bank. George Carlin would probably say that “Fox News” is “Bullshit” at its finest.

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