Friday, August 27, 2010

911: The Truth is Not Enough

by Ken Jenkins How many times has this happened to you? You
are explaining to someone some of the rational,
logical reasons why the official story of 9/11
can’t be true, perhaps explaining how WTC 7 fell in the exact
manner of a professionally planned controlled demolition – a
job which would typically take weeks to prepare – when out
comes a ‘thought stopper’ phrase like:
“That’s just another conspiracy theory!” or …
“Do you also believe in Big Foot and tin foil hats?”
Or perhaps the person gets angry and/or agitated. Facts
no longer matter at that point, and you can tell the person
does not want to hear any more. For example, the following
response came from someone after they were given a 20-
minute summary of 9/11 Truth information:
“I wouldn’t believe that, even if it were true!”
That reaction defies all logic and
reason. But it clearly illustrates just
how irrational some peoples’ defenses
can be. Here are a few more honest
“As long as my wife and kids are
fine and we can live the life style we
have, the truth is, I don’t really care
what happened on 9/11.”
“I would not want to live in a world
where such a thing could be true.”
“You can’t expect someone to
listen to information that turns their
world upside down.”
“I’m not sure I want to know. If this is true, then up
would be down and down would be up. My life would never
be the same.”
“Look, I have to admit that I seriously resist anyone
messing with my worldview!”
Why So Much Resistance to 9/11 Truth?
Such reactions are emotionally based. 9/11 is a very emotionally
charged issue. The source of the denial and resistance
is FEAR. The implications of 9/11 Truth are very scary for
most people to take in. Given that a part of our government’s
job description is keeping its citizens safe, it’s terrifying to
consider that a secret rogue part of our government will do
just the opposite – mass murder those very citizens, in order to
advance dark agendas – like wars for corporate empire. To further
consider that associated ‘secret teams’ would then put out
corporate media cover-up stories, in the form of an elaborate
fantasy story backed up with planted evidence, and to think
that story was nearly universally accepted without question
– this is the stuff of nightmares.
Then there is the difficulty of accepting the self-image
shattering realization that we were duped by such cover story
lies. 9/11 Truth suggests a very uncomfortable and disturbing
worldview, especially to those new to such concepts. The
intensity of fear brought up by these vast implications
causes defense mechanisms to take over our rational thought
processes. Such denial most often overrides rationality.
What’s a 9/11 Truth Activist To Do?
How can we overcome such powerful denial? What
knowledge about these emotional barriers can empower us
to be more effective in reaching larger numbers of our fellow
Start out by asking questions to find out what the person
you are addressing currently thinks and feels about the 9/11
Truth message. Adjust your approach based on what you hear.
Based on their responses, reach out and connect though empathy,
to express to them an understanding of their difficult
position. It’s not that hard to do – after all, most of us went
through a similar process of conversion
at some point, when we were in denial
and uninformed about 9/11. Let them
know about your own doubts, how you
had a difficult time believing that the
official story was false. Explain how
upsetting it was for you to consider the
alternative – those very inconvenient
truths. Even for those of us who were
not upset by the idea of 9/11 being an
inside job, there was often a difficulty
in wrapping our heads around the enormity
of it all. Talk about your own difficulties
in rejecting the official story.
Reasons for Resistance to the Truth
There are a number of valid reasons why many of us
resist the truth of 9/11. What follows are some major ones.
A. The Big Lie: I’ll start with the ‘Big Lie’ because it was
the main barrier that kept me from fully accepting the truth of
9/11 as I was researching it in the weeks after the event. The
sheer audacity of pulling off something so outrageous in broad
daylight, thinking they would get away with it, and the large
scale of it all kept me doubting for weeks. My turning point
was learning about what really happened at Pearl Harbor – the
many warnings that were ignored, the Japanese secret codes
that the US had broken, etc. This new understanding, that the
attack on Pearl Harbor was clearly allowed to happen, was
what finally had me fully accept 9/11 Truth. The comparable
number that were deliberately mass murdered, the scale of
the event, the audacity, and the 60 years of largely successful
cover-up all showed me that a Big Lie had happened before,
and worked to fool most of the public, and not all that long
ago. It was only later I discovered these quotes:
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face
with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.”
~ J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI

“The masses indulge in petty falsehoods every day, but
it would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal
untruths. ... The bigger the lie, therefore, the likelier it is to
be believed.” ~ Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
B. Major Paradigm Shift: Questioning the official story
of 9/11 threatens the foundations of our society, or at least
seems to. It challenges our fellow citizens’ belief systems
regarding the nature of our government, and even the very
nature of our nation. Such questioning is far more profound
than, say, questioning a war. Accepting the truth of 9/11
is, for many, a major paradigm shift, an inverting of their
worldview. Such shifts risk a period of chaos and uncertainty,
which many find scary.
C. Blind Nationalist Faith: 9/11 Truth is a confrontation
with the self-image that many Americans have – of their
country and of themselves. The self-image Americans have
been sold though our school systems and media is that we are
the exceptional nation, the good guys wearing the white hats,
the bringers of democracy and freedom. Such nationalistic
faith can exceed religious faith in its dogmatic blindness.
David Ray Griffin has an article on this subject elsewhere
in this issue. [See article ps. XX-XX] and, Dr. Griffin also
addresses these issues in a DVD titled “9/11 and Nationalist
D. Projecting Parental Duties on Authorities: In
his book As If We Were Grownups, author Jeff Golden’s
thoughtful assertion is that, “We consistently elect [political]
candidates who tell us what children would want to hear.
Children want to hear that everything is okay, that little is
required of them, that they can go out and play or watch TV,
and that they’ll be taken care of and protected. In exchange,
they are expected to be seen and not heard, to pay their taxes,
to take their flu shots, and to not question the authorities.”
E. Admission of Gullibility: Anyone we are introducing
9/11 Truth to now has believed the official story for years. To
accept 9/11 Truth they have to admit they were duped, deceived,
and manipulated for all that time. That brings up questions of
gullibility, naiveté, lack of perceptiveness, obliviousness, etc.
Most of us have resistance to admitting such shortcomings.
Astronomer Carl Sagan sums it up nicely:
“One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve
been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence
of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out
the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It is simply too
painful to acknowledge – even to ourselves – that we’ve been
so credulous [i.e. gullible].”
F. The Rabbit Hole Effect – Wider Implications:
To believe 9/11 Truth, one also has to believe many other
difficult truths, such as:
• Parts of our corporate media must be incredibly corrupt
to be complicit in such a massive cover-up;
• There must be a powerful, secret, hidden government
that is capable of planning and executing such a horrible
and unthinkable act;
• Some of our leaders are more corrupt and malicious
than most of us would want to believe.
But one has only to remember the words of philosopher
and statesman, Edmund Burke, to understand how corruption
tends to prosper especially in good times:
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for
good men to do nothing.”
G. Apathy and Complacency: Radio talk show host,
Mike Rivero, sheds some light on why so many people are
apathetic and complacent about changing their beliefs:
“Most people prefer to believe their leaders are just and
fair even in the face of evidence to the contrary, because once
a citizen acknowledges that the government under which they
live is lying and corrupt, the citizen has to choose what he or
she will do about it. To take action in the face of a corrupt government
entails risks of harm to life and loved ones. To choose
to do nothing is to surrender one’s self-image of standing for
principles. Most people do not have the courage to face that
choice. Hence, most propaganda is not designed to fool the
critical thinker but only to give moral cowards an excuse not
to think at all.”
H. PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: 9/11 was
first and foremost a Psyop, shorthand for a Psychological
Operation. It is a term used by secret services like the CIA to
describe a class of operations that are intended to manipulate
the emotions of populations; it is a form of mind control.
The specific intention of 9/11 was to terrorize the American
people into supporting the so-called “war on terror,” which
is a replacement for the cold war’s “war on communism.”
It’s a blank check for the US government and the American
military-industrial-complex to attack anyone, anywhere they
want, anytime they want – to support the empire.
The psy-op initially worked for a vast majority of US
citizens, and for many, it is still working.
The terror that so many felt during and after the attacks
left many people, particularly in New York City, with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD. To revisit those events,
as is necessary to expose the truth of 9/11, can retrigger
that stress and add to the other discomforts that are already
intrinsic to that same truth we are revealing. The desire to
minimize re-experiencing that trauma causes people to back
away. We need to go easy on those who exhibit such stress.
I. Lack of Knowledge of Historical Parallels or Patterns:
While not strictly a emotional issue, the ignorance most
people have about the many false flag events used to justify
wars throughout history also has a psychological component.
Our ability to conceptualize new information is dependent
on having a frame of reference, that is, already knowing
something similar, in order to be able to anchor a new thought.
The lack of such historical reference points, therefore, can be
yet another source of resistance. This blockage is perhaps the
easiest one to deal with – by educating people about the long
history of false flag events used for triggering wars.

The Awakening Will Take Time
These are most of the major reasons why so many people
resist 9/11 Truth. By understanding them, we can meet people
with empathy and understanding, and have more patience with
them. Patience is so important because for most, awakening to
9/11 Truth is a gradual process, often taking weeks, months, or
even years. In light of that, try to be sensitive when presenting
evidence, so as to notice when a person is ‘full’ – when they
have heard enough for the moment, and need space to digest
and absorb the new, and often, disturbing concepts.
The good news is that with all that is happening now in
our post-9/11 world, particularly with the public knowledge of
the lies about WMDs and Saddam being linked to al Qaeda and
9/11 that led us into war with Iraq, people’s minds are opening
wider every day. More and more people are waking up to the
degree of corruption and deception that is routine in our government.
Every day they learn more about how the corporate
media have been complicit in lies and cover-ups. Trust in such
corporate and governmental institutions is now at an all time
low, and dropping. This makes people far more open to the 9/11
Truth message. In a very real sense, our job is getting easier.
The truth alone is not enough, but the truth plus strategic
thinking, planning and educating is enough to convince most
fence-sitters. As David Hutton, author of The Change Agents’
Handbook, says: “You do not have to spend a lot of time and
effort on those who strongly resist change. You only have to
help and protect those who want to change.” Understanding
the various emotional obstacles is an essential part of such
a strategy.
It’s been over seven years for some of us who have been
working to expose the truth about 9/11. It will likely take
several more years, but we will win – as long as we work
smart and don’t give up. The truth will be revealed, and the
resultant awakening will lead to the kind of deep changes
that are so necessary to create a more positive future.
* * *
9/11 activist and video producer Ken Jenkins has a degree
in electrical engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University,
and has done extensive postgraduate study in psychology.
A pioneer in the 9/11 movement, Ken started presenting his
PowerPoint and video productions on 9/11 Truth in early 2002,
and has since spoken at five national 9/11 conferences. His first
video, “Perspective on 9/11” was originally made for those
early presentations. He has since produced ten DVDs with
leading 9/11 Truth author David Ray Griffin, including “9/11
– The Myth and the Reality”. He is also a partner in 9/11 TV
(, which has documented speakers from many 9/11
conferences and events. The resulting DVDs are distributed
partly through local cable access channels nationwide.
By revealing the “false flag” nature of the 9/11 attacks,
it is Ken’s intention to not only help end the current bogus
“war on terror” but to also open the way to ending war as a
political option on this planet.
All rights reserved. Copyright belongs to the author. ■
Not Enough by Ken Jenkins
by Ken Jenkins What follows are concise answers to the most
frequently asked questions and objections
related to the 9/11 Truth message.
1. “9/11 is ancient history – it’s time to move on.”
Our entire world took a radical and dark turn as a direct
result of 9/11. As things stand, the phony “war on terror”
will continue to last “for a lifetime” as we were promised,
wasting resources – human, natural and economic – while
justifying empire, repressive police state policies, and
keeping people afraid. The Obama administration is shifting
the “war on terror” from Iraq back to Afghanistan, and is
also now bombing Pakistan. Only 9/11 Truth can reverse this
trend of endless war.
2. “Yes, but Bush & Company have left office. Not
much we can do, is there?”
9/11 Truth has less to do with the perpetrators than with a
corrupt set of systems, which allow psychopaths like Cheney
and the neocons to pull off a scam like 9/11. The problems
are far more deep and profound than a few bad actors.
3. “How could the whole of the mainstream media be
A few gatekeepers at the top control the corporate media.
Consider this quote from former CIA Director William Colby:
“The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) owns everyone of
any significance in the major media.” Google “Operation
Mockingbird” to learn some of the history of the controlled
corporate media. Mockingbird was a secret CIA campaign
to influence domestic and foreign media in the 1950s, made
public in 1975 during the Church committee investigation.
Soon after Mockingbird was implemented, it was assessed
to be a ‘spectacular success.’
4. How could such a large conspiracy be kept secret for
so long? It must have involved thousands of people?
The conspiracy was not all that large. Most likely,
only a few dozen people were central to the plot. Others
involved were compartmentalized dupes who were not in
on the planning. Also, our government has kept many far
bigger major operations secret for many years, such as the
Manhattan Project (1939-1946.) That Top Secret program
was designed to develop the first atomic weapon before the
Nazi’s did during WWII and employed 130,000 people

5. “What about the guys who you claim ‘wired’ the
buildings? Wouldn’t they have spoken up by now?”
They are guilty of being part of a mass murder and would
likely get the death penalty. They were likely well paid and
now living in luxury, most likely outside this country. What
would be their incentive for speaking up? If they did so,
they’d be instantly silenced by the others.
6. “What happened to all the passengers?”
They died. That part of the official conspiracy theory is
7. “So, if you don’t believe the official story, what really
happened then?”
All we know for certain is that the official story cannot
be true. We don’t know all the details of
what happened. That’s why we want a
real investigation – with subpoena powers
– to find out what really did occur.
8. “Not even the Bush administration
would do something so evil.”
These are the same guys responsible
for over a million deaths in Iraq and
Afghanistan, plus hundreds of deaths
of first responders at Ground Zero. A
few thousand more mean little to such
9. “The Bush administration was
too incompetent to pull off such a
complex plan.”
The Bush administration only ordered
the operation; it was designed and
implemented by professionals behind the
scenes. Plus, these are the same people
who pulled off the major scam of taking
us to war with Iraq based on lies, with
help from the complicit corporate media.
They avoided impeachment for over 50
impeachable offenses. They stole two
elections. This is hardly incompetence.
10. “But isn’t terrorism a real threat?”
The answer to this is best described by former British
Foreign Secretary Robin Cook: “The truth is, there is no
Islamic army or terrorist group called al Qaeda. And any
informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a
propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the
presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’
only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified
international leadership for a war against terrorism. The
country behind this propaganda is the US …”
11. “Didn’t Osama bin Laden confess to doing 9/11?”
No. Right after 9/11 he denied any involvement, and
later repeated this message. The one alleged confession
video has been shown to be a fake, with an imposter, a lookalike
playing bin Laden.
Also, bin Laden is not even wanted by the FBI for 9/11,
due to “a lack of evidence”, according to FBI spokesperson,
Rex Tomb.
12. “This sounds like just a conspiracy theory to me.”
The official story is a conspiracy theory. It’s by definition
a conspiracy because more than one person was involved in
planning a crime. And the official story is just a theory because
it has never been proven, in a court of law or anywhere else.
13. “Didn’t the 9/11 Commission prove the case?”
No, not at all, it didn’t even attempt to. The 9/11
Commission Report started with the
assumption that the official story was
true. Commission Director and Bush
administration insider, Philip Zeikow,
wrote a detailed outline for the report
before the Commissioners even met,
and was in charge of every aspect of the
Commission, including writing the final
report. They did not consider alternative
theories. The report did not even mention
the collapse of WTC Building 7.
14. “What possible motivation
would the Bush administration have
for ordering the 9/11 scam?”
The motivation is revealed by the
very results that were implemented
right after 9/11 (qui bono? – who
benefits?). It is now known that the Bush
administration started discussing how
to start wars with Afghanistan and Iraq
during their first month in office. 9/11
gave them the pretext for those wars
(with some additional lies about WMDs
to kickstart the invasion of Iraq). They
wanted and got far more power and control. They got all the
things that the PNAC (Project for a New American Century)
said they wanted in the year 2000. Rumsfeld, Cheney, and
Jeb Bush, as well as most of the leading neocons were
all members of the PNAC, and signatories on the paper
Rebuilding America’s Defenses, which specially called for
“a catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.”
* * *
If we are well prepared to answer these types of
questions whenever they come up, we can then be more
effective in educating skeptics about the real truth. The most
ardent skeptics often make the best Truthers once converted.
And once converted, a person rarely, if ever, turns back to
believing the big lie that is called the ‘official story.’ ■

911 Belief Profiles

I believe that people have different “911” belief profiles as follows:

A. Those that believe in the official media & government story
1. Because they have not done any research or found data to conclude otherwise
2. Emotionally it would be too devastating to believe other than the official report
3. Due to job or national loyalties, choose to only accept the official report
4. Denying the official report would make them feel threatened physically, financially, or fearful for their families
5. Believe that is unpatriotic and disobedient to question anything the government tells them
6. Due to political party loyalties would never implicate those who they supported
7. Want to let “Sleeping dogs Lie”
8. Feel powerless to effect any change

B. Those that patently believe that media & government story is a blatant lie
1. They have a basic mistrust of the government and media
2. They have done enough research on what really happened to disprove the official story, and have enough direct and circumstantial evidence that it was carried out by the US and other collaborating nations.
3. Based on a specific history of many other False Flag events, they believe that there is overwhelming motives for the US to have been central in 911
4. Have such a vitriolic disdain for those in power during 911, that their prejudice causes automatic distrust

C. Those who are not sure who or what caused 911
1. Because they have not done any research or found data to make a determination
2 They find an unknowing position to be emotionally safe
3 They choose to have no passion or intellectual curiosity about the subject
4 Find the whole topic too confusing and scary, and would prefer to be in denial
5. Feel powerless to effect any change

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

**We just found $130 million for Education

I am often baffled by the lack of logic and reason used by some voters, with such issues as capital punishment. We are at a nexus in our state’s budget; we are cutting back on school programs such as summer classes, sports, art, music, and other creative skills. Eliminating the capital punishment program and choosing life imprisonment will save the state enough money to employ approximately 2,000 more teachers, so what more do we need to know?
The threat of execution at some future date is unlikely to enter the minds of those acting under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, those who are in the grip of fear or rage, those who are panicking while committing another crime (such as a robbery), or those who suffer from mental illness or mental retardation, and do not fully understand the gravity of their crime.
States that have the death penalty have a murder rate that is approximately 30-50% greater than those that do not have the death penalty. One might conclude that there is a coincidence of more crime in death penalty states, which creates a need for the death penalty. A more realistic conclusion is that those states with the death penalty are more likely to have an environment of violence, perpetrated by the state that sends a message to potential murders to be more violent. Other support for non death penalty punishment is countries mainly in the European Union that have lower murder rates that have abolished the death penalty. Unfortunately the US has lagged many other developed nations in its ability to implement human rights progress.
There are racial and geographic disparities in who is sentenced to death. There is typically underfunding of defense counsel for poor defendants. Juries do not necessarily represent the ethnic makeup of the community. Ninety five percent of death penalty cases are defended by public defenders, whereas someone such as O.J. Simpson who’s innocence is very questionable, had the financial clout to hire the best criminal attorneys, was acquitted. Those who are actually sentenced to the death are predominately the poor who cannot afford thorough defenses. Death penalty juries are picked based on the fact that they cannot have a bias against the death penalty, so therefore are pro death penalty, which leans in the favor of granting the death penalty.
Since 1973, over 130 people have been released from death rows throughout the country due to evidence of their wrongful convictions. In 2003 alone, Ten wrongfully convicted defendants were released from death row. The above does not take into account those on death row who have not sought further proof that they are innocent. Execution unfortunately is not reversible, and no money or reparations by the state can make an innocent executed person free or come back to life.
In a 1990 report, the non-partisan U.S. General Accounting Office found a pattern of evidence indicating, racial disparities in the charging, sentencing, and imposition of the death penalty. The study concluded that a defendant was several times more likely to be sentenced to death if the murder victim was white. This has been confirmed by the findings of many other studies that, holding all other factors constant, the single most reliable predictor of whether someone will be sentenced to death is the race of the victim. On average a Black person is 4 to 5 times more likely to be executed than a Caucasian for committing murder. From initial charging decisions to plea bargaining to jury sentencing, African-Americans are treated more harshly when they are defendants, and their lives are accorded less value when they are victims. All-white or virtually all-white juries are still commonplace in many localities.
Using conservative rough projections, a study estimates the annual costs of the present system ($137 million per year), the present system after implementation of the reforms ... ($232.7 million per year) ... and a system which imposes a maximum penalty of lifetime incarceration instead of the death penalty ($11.5 million. In California the current system costs $137 million per year; it would cost $11.5 million for a system without the death penalty. In 2009, New Mexico became the 15th state to repeal the death penalty, in part because of budget considerations and the high cost of death penalty appeals.
Executing the murderer will never bring back the life of the victim. If there is a possibility of giving restitution to the victim’s family from the accused, then executing the accused erases any possibility for the accused to make restitution to the victim’s family. What needs to be examined is our antiquated value system of an “Eye for an Eye” that has come out of an ancient book. Some of us have a defect in our emotional chemistry that somehow lets us believe that if we injure, or kill the perpetrator that another violent act against the perpetrator will heal the victim. This is not meant in any way to weaken the ability of a victim to defend them against a perpetrator. Some people are confused about the concepts of “Forgiveness” and healthy physical and emotional “Boundaries”.
Based on what knowledge is available to the present, there is no scientific data that supports the benefit of capital punishment to society over a lifetime of incarceration. The movement in most countries as well as states in the USA is the abolishment of capital punishment. The question is why are we so slow to abolish capital punishment in California, even though there is volumes of supportable data that flies in the face of capital punishments benefit to society. Could it be both myths, traditions, and our emotional need for revenge? With such a shortage of government revenues to cover important services, why is eliminating the death penalty such a logical conundrum. I believe we can make better uses of $130 million dollars that is a premium cost for capital punishment.

**We need another National Holiday

I feel like writing an Andy Rooney style type commentary today. I propose a new national holiday that I will call “NGCCD” (National Government Come Clean Day). Now the NGCCD holiday will be far more important and useful than say Presidents, Labor, Memorial, Christmas, Easter, and New Years. I believe that Veterans Day is the only holiday that comes close to NGCCD in promoting major positive improvements to our society, because people actually have risked their lives, lost life, sanity, and limb in the fantasy that they were sacrificing for “Liberation and Freedom”. If we can somehow have more respect and support for the unfortunate men and women who made great sacrifices, maybe that thought could get us closer to achieving peace. I am not saying that the other holidays I mentioned have no significance, to the contrary, they increase our GDP, give use an excuse to take off work, get drunk, over eat, and celebrate with family and friends. In the following monologue I will delve into how our government and others as well, try to, “Pull the wool over eyes”.
Now for one of the biggest lie first, yes you got it, military or national security spending. The basic Pentagon budget is $577 billion. Now adding in $128 billion for Iraq/Afghanistan wars, DoE $17 billion for nuclear weapons, Veterans benefits $94 billion, interest on the National Debt for past military costs $200 billion, NASA military $9 billion, Homeland Security $35 billion, other military and state department $11 billion, other billions buried in the Departments of Transportation, Commerce, Justice(FBI). In addition, clandestine revenues that the CIA derives from drug running to finance covert military operations brings the total to approximately 54% of our total Federal budget, or between $1.2 to $1.4 trillion dollars.
On September 11, 2001 we were told that Muslim terrorists caused the collapse of the WTC Towers and an attack on the Pentagon. The reality is that the WTC Towers(WTC1,2 and 7) collapsed as a result of a Controlled Demolition where Thermite explosives were used to sever the steel columns and totally disintegrate all the concrete floor slabs. If the government was up front about the real cause of the destruction, the Bush administration would have not resisted a complete thorough investigation, which was delayed for 411 days, hampered by an inadequate budget, and adequate access to important essential information that would have uncovered the truth. For further evidence of the WTC collapses go to: or
Our government reports the GDP(Gross Domestic Product), but does not include many revenues from illegal drug running, gambling, bartering, cash service businesses, small restaurants, home repair contractors, and other revenue sources both legitimate and illegal. Some economists estimate that the underground economy in the United States alone accounts for up to 1 trillion US Dollars (USD) per year in unreported cash holdings. It has also been estimated that up to 80% of all US one hundred dollar bills printed every year end up overseas within weeks of their circulation. The underground economy supports any number of overseas operations, including covert wars, raw drug production and human slavery rings. All of these illegal activities require an abundant amount of untraceable cash, preferably from a strong government with a stable legitimate economy.
Unemployment statistics are unrealistically low as they only include people actively looking for work. The government statistics do not include the under employed, those who have given up looking for employment, or those who have had to accept reduced working hours. These unrealistically low unemployment statistics seem to work well for the benefit of the ruling party in power.
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund was set up in 1944 for the primary purpose of providing financial support for third world developing nations and to uplift their populations from poverty. In reality these organizations have helped to sink developing nations into more poverty and have enriched their modern nation supporter such as the US, UK, Germany, France, Japan, etc. The way the system works is that an independent economic consulting firm such as Main and Co. will perform a pro-forma economic report for the sole purpose of supporting a loan, too large for the country to pay back, and for improvements to infrastructure that do not directly benefit the population. The caveat is that U.S. and European contractors must be the sole vendors to supply and perform any work in the country. Due the fact that the debt service becomes so high on these loans, a greater share of the poor countries revenue must now be taken away from minimal schools and medical care to support the loan. So now the “Jackals” (lenders) come in and say I see you cannot afford to make the loan payments, so now we will take a much greater share of your natural resource royalties, that were unfairly low in the first instance, and used in consideration for modifying the loan. Countries in South America, the East and West Indies are prime examples of how developed countries such as the U.S. can spread their imperialistic tentacles without having to fire a shot. For further information on the above please read, “The Confessions of an Economic Hitman”, chronicled by a former high level economist and loan consultant.
Our government in some situations actively encourages lying. “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” is a flagrant example of our government telling our military leaders and personnel please do not tell the truth. The military’s cover up of war atrocities to the news media is another example of lying by omission. Our military never says it killed or murdered innocent civilians, it says, “Collateral Damage”. How can we expect integrity in government when we encourage outright lying?
All of us have lied in our lifetimes at least once, but I can honestly say that none of my lies ever resulted in the death, physical injury to anyone, or the theft of billions of dollars. Unfortunately I cannot say that for governments. Our government has a well oiled PR and spin machine that repackages information so that it is in a form that it is favorable, not to the people, but to our leaders.
So please, send a letter to your representatives asking for the incorporation of NGCCD into our laws, so that once a year government must go to the National Confessional, come entirely clean, say “Three Hail Mary’s”, and all the politicians must write checks back to the U.S. Treasury for all the bribes they took from lobbyists and special interest groups.
Harvey is a Benicia businessman. You may visit Harvey’s Blog and leave comments at:

**Raising Minorities also Raises the Majority

Some folks have accepted a norm of short term thinking that enables them to rationalize intolerance and discrimination. We like to think of ourselves as living in the “Best Nation” in the world. How do we define best nation, is it economic opportunity, human rights, health care for all, education, lowest mortality rate, a free and open press, and quality of life? Unfortunately we do not rank at the top of the list for all these important criteria, and the one issue I am going to focus on today is human rights. A subset of human rights is equal opportunity for all based on race, nationality, religious belief or none, gender, and sexual orientation. I believe, based on historical data that creating an environment of tolerance, equal opportunity, and inclusion benefits everyone from an economic, emotional, spiritual, and sociological perspective.
I am a relatively well educated white male heterosexual non-observant agnostic Jew, who has been able to make his way successfully into the economic and societal fabric of this country. Warren Buffet would probably say that I am a member of the “Lucky Sperm Club”. I really do not have a first-hand experience of what it would be like to be a, “Gay-Black-Muslim-Transgender-Women”. I am citing a fictitious example of what I believe to be one of the most severely perceived under classes in our present society. With the exception of lineage, intelligence, physical, or emotional disabilities it would be ideal for all peoples on earth to have equal opportunities. It is easy for me to be smug, confident, and insulated from the pain of discrimination, rejection, and feeling less than.
Afro-Americans for hundreds of years were a consummate example of what happens to unfortunate people when we fail to give them due respect, equal educational, housing, and employment opportunities. In addition, through the slavery model we have destabilized their family units and ingrained them with a sense of deteriorated self esteem. It is very easy for us to say, “Why don’t you just get over your past and get with the program”? That statement is a very simplistic and insensitive cop-out, realizing that everyone is affected differently by their experience, perception, and family culture.
Contrasting the northern states against the southern states, where there was a disparity in integration, and educational opportunity, the north advanced more rapidly, and the south took a much longer time to advance as a society. With education came many more technological, financial, and mercantile opportunities. Be it not for the mainly agrarian plantation type slave culture embraced by the south, in the long term with the exception of a few wealthy plantation owners, the southern states would have advanced much rapidly than they had.
Women for millennia have been treated as chattels, not allowed to vote, hold most jobs, and were denied educational opportunities in most cultures. Now in modern cultures most of oppression of human has been eliminated, even though there are still remnants of some insecure chauvinistic males making snide remarks about women even today. As a result of empowering women we have doubled the amount of people in our society who have developed intellect, useful skills, and creative energy to offer our society. The argument that women should be home just making babies is a totally fallacious argument for a modern society. Many women do not have the passion to birth, raise, and parent children, so who wants someone in a society that will be a poor parent. On the corollary there are many men who have the passion and nurturing skills to make better parents than women. Maybe someday with technology, men will be capable of breast feeding.
Another example of how we would gain more as society economically and emotionally is the acceptance of openly gay military personnel. It is estimated that approximately 12,000 admitted gay military personnel have been dismissed from military service due to their unaccepted sexual orientation. The estimated cost of the DADT policy is upwards of over $500 million factoring in training costs and early departures. Many of these gay military departures were bright talented highly trained enlisted people and officers who brought real skill values to the military service. Twenty Two members of NATO allow service of openly gay military members. Most fire departments in our cities have openly accepted gay firefighters. These firefighters live in communal sleeping and bathroom facilities without any issues. The problem is not gays in the military, it is fearful ignorant people in the military who bring everyone else down. If we have talented people who happen to be gay, why would we rationally exclude them from making a positive contribution to military service.
Same Sex Marriage, or “Prop 8” is another issue that to says to gay people, you pay taxes, you contribute to society equally with heterosexual people, and more or less you have the same relationship issues that straight couples have. “But you are less than”, so therefore you must settle for “Separate but Equal”; meaning domestic partnerships. “Separate but Equal” was knocked down by the court in Brown v. Board of Education. Denying gays to marry was just adjudicated to be in violation of the Constitution, and the issue of defining who can marry should have never put to a vote in the first place, but that’s politics. To date there is not one piece of bonifide evidence that shows that gay marriage has destroyed, or threatened anyone’s traditional marriage. It is estimated that California will gain approximately $400 million going to its hospitality, travel, gift, and other industries from gay marriages. California will also gain approximately $65 million in taxes from these transactions.
Ignorance, fear, and backward cultural and religious family values are not acceptable, or logical reasons for perpetuating intolerance. People who hold these views are also an unfortunate minority who hold down the advancement and betterment of society. Making laws barring intolerance and discrimination are only an intellectual first step. The final cure is to enable and encourage people to experience diversity, teach tolerance in our schools and places of worship, and encourage progressive thinking children to enlighten their fearful ignorant parents and adult friends. On the surface, the principles of majority rule and the protection of individual and minority rights would seem contradictory. In fact, however, these principles are twin pillars holding up the very foundation of what we mean by democratic government. When we give everyone the best educational and employment experiences, fair housing choices, equal relationship choices, and remove fearful and hateful attitudes from our psyche, than we can only be the most successful society where everyone becomes a winner.
Harvey is a Benicia businessman. You may visit Harvey’s Blog and leave comments at:

**I Feng Shui my Thinking

Today I am taking a sabbatical from my usual political ranting and ravings to share with you some important lessons that I have learned over last six decades. Feng Shui is meant to maintain good health, wealth, relationships, creativity and more. The aim of Feng Shui is to create a living and working (and dying — feng shui is for graveyards, too) environment in harmony with nature and the flow of energy. Feng Shui literally means "wind-water”. The Chinese art or practice of positioning objects, especially graves, buildings, and furniture, based on a belief in patterns of yin and yang and the flow of chi that have positive and negative effects. I am using Feng Shui in a more metaphorical sense as it relates to attitudes, communication, and perception.

One of the most important lessons that I learned is that attitude is everything. In reality I have little control over my external environment. How I perceive people and events around me will have a direct effect on me whether I choose to be in fear, be happy, be defensive, or accept what I cannot control.

About fifteen years ago I met Dr. Gerald Jampolsky who started a not for profit organization originally in Tiburon, and now in Sausalito, CA called The Center for Attitudinal Healing. Dr. Jampolsky’s background was a pediatric psychiatrist at UCSF Medical Center. His primary practice was to deal with children who were terminally ill from cancer. Doctors traditionally deal with the physical side of medicine and sometimes unfortunately neglect the emotional implications of a disease. These children wanted to know what it was like to die and how to deal with their fearful feelings of dying. He started the no charge “Center” over thirty five years ago to help people deal with loss and fear around family members, jobs, self esteem, relationships, and illness.

Dr. Jampolsky’s first book of over twenty, was entitled, “Love is Letting Go of Fear”. The premise of his book is that we cannot simultaneously be in a state of “Love” or “Fear”, we may only choose one state. I found his work so rewarding that for two years I became a volunteer facilitator and led weekly two hour Person to Person meetings. Ultimately I became a member of the “Centers” board of directors for three years. You may view the “Principles of Attitudinal Healing” on my August Blog listed at the end of this article.
Another person that I learned some useful life skills from is Byron Katie. Her most famous book is Loving What Is, talks about acceptance, perception, and self judgment. Freeing my inner critic allows me to love myself as I am. Whenever someone says something about me, or I perceive a written thought, I try to ask these questions: (1) Is it true? (2) How can I actually know it’s true (3) How do I react, and what happens when I believe that thought? (4) Who would I be without that thought?
Whenever I am in a personal or business relationship with someone or an organization I try to ask myself several questions: (1) Who is benefitting from this advice or decision, (2) What are this persons motives, (3) How will the actions of the other party affect my life in the future?. For example I believe that the U.S. and U.K. government was complicit in “911”. People will then ask me what and who benefitted from this terrible event? (1) The past administration was looking for a “False Flag” event to get us into a war in Iraq. (2) The UK’s BP Oil had many oil wells nationalized by Hussein that they wanted back in private hands. (3) The “Military Industrial Complex” and “Wall Street” have profited handsomely from the war. (4) Private contractors such Halliburton, Fluor, BEA, Bechtel, and KBR have received billion dollar no bid cost plus contracts. (5) Larry Silverstein, the Lessee of the WTC Towers received a $500 million net insurance settlement as a result of the building collapses. (6) The Port Authority of New York, since their construction, have been losing money on the partially occupied Twin Towers. (7) Coincidentally “Short” sellers of American Airlines, UA, and J.P. Morgan stock profited handsomely within one week of 911. The list of benefactors of “911” and the Iraq/Afghanistan wars reads like the Manhattan phone book.
“Don’t sweat the small stuff”, is another big lesson for me. I realized that over time, even death can be “Small Stuff”. Making a big deal out of many issues caused me to waste my energy, alienate others, and get myself stuck in the past.
Non violent communication in the past has been at times a challenge for me. If someone is angry at me, it is probably not for the reason they or I perceive. There is a saying I try to remember during stressful situations, it is, “I usually am never angry for the reason I think”. A conflicting situation, many times is just a catalyst to release past anger that I totally failed to deal with.
My Ten Commandments breaks down simply to the Golden Rule. I try to use the “GR” in both my daily personal and business life, and it has paid off handsomely for me in both better quality personal relationships and increased profits.
Forgiveness is probably one of the most difficult challenges I face in life. Many people are confused about the concept of forgiveness and boundaries. I forgive myself or another person so that I can be free of future anger, condemnation, and revenge. Forgiveness gives me the opportunity to have a loving, pain free life. On the other hand I am very clear about my personal boundaries, so that my potential for future pain and resentment can be minimized in the future. For me forgiveness and boundaries are two distinct, but somewhat cause and effect concepts that are related. Strong clear boundaries minimize instances that require forgiveness.
I conclusion my ultimate goal in life is “Peace and Joy”, with good health, love, close friends, laughter, adequate money, etc. are the delivery systems that lead me to my simple goal. I can always change or modify my attitude, but not necessarily external forces. I try to never take a short cut of assuming information or relying on blind faith. I need to appreciate and embrace, in atmosphere free of fear, the great innate resources that I have, called my “Emotional Intelligence” and “Critical Thinking” skills.
You may visit Harvey’s Blog and leave comments at:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Guidelines for Attitudinal Healing Groups

Center groups exist to be safe places where people can learn to use Attitudinal Healing. The following guidelines have been developed to assure that a safe space is provided. Please feel free to use them for your own group if you wish.
1. In the groups, we recognize that love is listening, and we agree to listen with an open heart, to give mutual support and to practice non-judgmental listening and sharing.
2. We are here to heal ourselves. We are not here to give advice or to change anyone's beliefs or behavior. Being accepted as we are makes it easier for us to accept others.
3. We share from our own experience. By risking and exposing our own emotional state, we find common experience that allows for joining.
4. We respect ourselves and each other as unique; we recognize that each person's process is important, not our judgment of it.
5. We support each other's inner guidance and assist one another in finding our own best answers.
6. The roles of student and teacher are interchangeable. They fluctuate from one to the other regardless of age or experience.
7. We practice being present with others, seeing each person as whole, and not defining them by their appearance, mood, behavior or circumstance.
8. We agree to keep in mind that we always have a choice between peace and conflict; between love and fear.
9. We respect the confidentiality of what each of us shares in group, recognizing that this is important for maintaining the group as a place of safety and trust.

The Principles of Attitudinal Healing

1. The essence of our being is love.
2. Health is inner peace. Healing is letting go of fear.
3. Giving and receiving are the same.
4. We can let go of the past and the future.
5. Now is the only time there is and each instant is for giving.
6. We can learn to love ourselves and others by forgiving rather than judging.
7. We can become love finders rather than fault finders.
8. We can choose and direct ourselves to be peaceful inside regardless of what is happening outside.
9. We are students and teachers to each other.
10. We can focus on the whole of life rather than the fragments.
11. Since love is eternal death need not be viewed as fearful.
12. We can always perceive ourselves and others as either extending love or giving a call for help.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ten key indicators show global warming 'undeniable'

* Heat effects show up in glaciers, oceans, high humidity * Report considered global climate data for last decade * No cause offered for documented climate change By Deborah Zabarenko, Environment Correspondent WASHINGTON, July 28 (Reuters) - Melting glaciers, more
humid air and eight other key indicators show that global
warming is undeniable, scientists said on Wednesday, citing a
new comprehensive review of the last decade of climate data. Without addressing why this is happening, the researchers
said there was no doubt that every decade on Earth since the
1980s has been hotter than the previous one, and that the
planet has been warming for the last half-century. This confirms the findings of the U.N. Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, which reported in 2007 with 90 percent
certainty that climate change is occurring. The IPCC also said
that human activities contribute to this phenomenon. The new report was released after U.S. Senate Democrats
delayed any possible legislation to curb climate change until
September at the earliest. Prospects for U.S. climate change
legislation this year are considered slim. Released by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration as "The 2009 State of the Climate Report," the
new report draws on the work of 303 scientists from 48
countries, including data from last year. The 10 key planet-wide indicators of a warming climate
identified by the report are: -- Higher temperatures over land -- Higher temperatures over oceans -- Higher ocean heat content -- Higher near-surface air temperatures (temperatures in
the troposphere, where Earth's weather occurs) -- Higher humidity -- Higher sea surface temperatures -- Higher sea levels -- Less sea ice -- Less snow cover -- Shrinking glaciers The seven indicators expected to rise in a warming world
rose over the last decade, the report said; the three
indicators expected to decline did so over that same period. With an almost daily flood of data on climate change, Peter
Thorne of the Cooperative Institute for Climate and Satellites
in Asheville, North Carolina, saw the need for a comprehensive
look at the information to pick the most obvious signs of
planetary warming. "These are indicators from the top of the atmosphere to the
bottom of the ocean that we would expect to be changing in a
warming world," Thorne said at a telephone briefing for
reporters. "Each indicator is changing as we would expect if the world
truly were warming," he said. "Not a single analysis disagrees
that the global climate is changing. The bottom line conclusion
that the world's been warming is simply undeniable." The entire report can be seen online here The report is being published in the Bulletin of the
American Meteorological Society. (Editing by Eric Walsh)