Saturday, April 23, 2011

Taxes down for the rich, Incomes down for the working class

“Rising tides lift all ships” is a metaphor used by supply side economists, Reagonomic worshippers, and those of wealth who attempt to fraudulently convince the working class electorate that tax breaks for the wealthy are good for all. When billionaires such as Warren Buffett publicly say that taxes for the uber wealthy are too low, then there is great trouble in River City. When international corporations such as General Electric who made $14 billion last year paid no taxes, it is obvious that the great lobbying efforts of the wealthy and major corporations have paid off handsomely for our pimping politicians in Washington. When the Wall Street “Sharks” get special tax treatment on their ordinary earnings on special hedge fund brokerage sales the system is broken for the masses, but not the elites. Earning ability is also a function of purchasing value ability. For example if Warren Buffett is in a much lower tax bracket than his secretary, also he can borrow money at rock bottom rates, and afford to hire the best lawyers for tax avoidance, then Buffet’s purchasing ability is also greater, not only because he has a much greater income, but also that he is receiving more value per dollar of income.
The divide of earning and purchasing ability is greater today than it has been since the Great Depression. Not only have tax breaks been so skewed in favor of the rich, but earning ability in terms of adjusted dollar value for the working class has actually decreased. For example, IKEA the big box discount furniture dealer is opening up a factory in Danville, SC, but not for the ability to get the highest quality workers. The big difference is that the Europeans enjoy a minimum wage of about $19 an hour and a government-mandated five weeks of paid vacation. Full-time employees in Danville start at $8 an hour with 12 vacation days, eight of them on dates determined by the company.
One cannot necessarily fault GE for paying no taxes in the US last year. GE’s income gains in the US for 2010 were offset by previous year’s losses in their financial sector businesses. The US has a high corporate tax rate of 35%, while other developed nations tax their corporations at around 25%. Ireland has a corporate tax rate of 12.5% to encourage corporate investment. This draconian high corporate taxation by the US is mistake number one because multi-national corporations have an incentive to minimize their proration of income low and expenses high for US operations. The tax burden should be higher on the individual investor and not the corporation.
In addition, our capital gains rates are too low at 15% and should be increased to previous rates of 20 to 25%. Taxes on dividends should be taxed at ordinary income rates, with no special deductions. Corporations will just pass their taxes on as a cost of operations, such as insurances, permits, and property taxes.
Even though that I am not the best friend of some large multi-national corporations, I would be in favor of eliminating corporation taxes all together and increasing taxes at the personal capital gain and income level to individuals. The US has invested around $3.2 trillion outside this country. On the other hand foreign companies such as Siemens and ABB have invested $2.2 trillion here. We need to encourage investment in the US. Many European companies located in the US, who are used to a more progressive society, have been known to treat American workers better than their US counter parts.
The alternative minimum tax was setup to catch the incomes of high earners who used tax loopholes to greatly participate in legal tax avoidance. The AMT should be in effect for high income earners without the benefit of tax avoidance loopholes.
The working class employee making less than $106,800 per year are at another disadvantage, they are taxed for FICA and Medicare at 7.65%, or up to $8,170 per year, while the CEO making $2 million per year and still only paying a maximum of $8,170 is effectively paying .04% of his income into government pension and Medicare funds. Unearned income from rents, stocks, bonds, etc, are not subject to FICA/Medicare taxation; more money to go into the investors pockets.
The sales tax falls disproportionately more on low income earners. The average worker is able to save very little money after paying for housing, food, transportation, and medical costs. The person who has a large income is able to travel to other locals many times avoiding sales taxes. One can argue that the wealthy stimulate the economy by buying expensive cars, houses. and boats. I know of a yacht broker who sells multi-million dollars boats to the wealthy. In order to avoid California State sales/use taxes the buyer will take delivery outside the US or in a state with a lower tax rate. If the average person buys a car in California they are in effect paying a use tax on purchase equivalent to the sales tax. A wealthy business investor wishing to but an expensive Ferrari or Mercedes can travel to a foreign land where there is minimal tax, purchase the vehicle for their multi-national corporation as a depreciable asset and bring it back to the US as a used much less valuable asset. As a bonus the investor may chose to expense his world wide jaunt as a business opportunity and marketing cost.
Donating ones art collection and building a museum with ones name above the door is the ultimate legal tax avoidance game. Let’s say my name is Don Fisher the founder of the Gap stores. I love to collect modern art and as a result, I built up a vast art collection that is valued at $1 billion. Over the years my investment in this collection has only been say $200 million, now turned into a 5 fold increase by market appreciation. I donate this collection to MOMA in San Francisco for a $1 billion write off, which will easily offset $400 million in taxes from my estate or earnings from my trusts. So this art collection has given me great pleasure, caused me to be the cultural envy of my peers and community, and lastly has given me a great return on my original investment just on the tax avoidance benefits.
Foundations are other great legal tax avoidance schemes that bring their benefactors great public adulation, still allow control of assets, and create tax sheltering way into the future. I speculate that Warren Buffett and Bill Gates will pay no or very little income taxes or estate taxes due to their use of the tax system. The Rockefellers have given much of their wealth to foundations that own stock in major corporations on which the Rockefellers sit on boards or have proxy agents who still continue to control the enterprises.
At the end of day it is about the ratio of all taxes and living expenses relative to total income. The wealthy are able to move their investments to the locals of best return. Capital creates more capital and has no patriotism or nationality. Increasing the taxes on the wealthy will not materially affect their standard of living, it will only affect their level of more wealthy building. So maybe to encourage wealth building we should give new wealth builders a moratorium on taxing bank interest, dividends, and small capital gains, and tax them at a higher rate when their net worth (excluding their home) exceeds $1 million or their taxable income exceeds $150,000. It would not hurt my feelings to eliminate the $106,800 ceiling on FICA deductions; let’s get the full amount from those fat cat CEO’s and Wall Streeter’s. When the richest nation in the world has a poverty level of 12%, and the working class is barely getting ahead something does not compute.

Capitalism is not societies benign cure all

Some folks live under the myth that private enterprise, using free market capitalism can be the remedy for all of society’s ills and a magic pill to fill everyone’s needs. In an ideal world where every capitalist balanced the long term needs of society with a generous dose of ethics and magnanimity the utopian formula just might work. Unfortunately human nature many times works in extreme self interest with little regard for the general needs of society, environmental stewardship, or transparent communication about products and services.
I have been a free market capitalist my entire adult life having owned and run businesses that included construction, real estate development, real estate syndication and investment, food service, and now industrial surplus sales and liquidation. My resume includes a summary general education in business law, accounting, and finance as well as engineering and construction. I started my first business when I was fifteen years old repairing appliances, providing plumbing and electrical repairs, and doing general handyman services for many of my neighbors, family, and friends. With over 50 years of business experience I can easily say that my experience includes marketing, putting together investor syndication packages, hiring and managing employees, dealing with many government agencies, borrowing from banks, and doing all the administrative jobs that are necessary to run a business. My message is that I have a very good grasp of what capitalism can achieve as well as its short comings.
When I say that the capitalist does not always have the best interests of society on their “To Do” list, I will cite some concrete examples of where capitalism has fallen short. Now having been a capitalist for five decades my intention is not to totally defame free enterprise or throw the “Baby out with the Bath Water”. I believe that a mixed economic model with regulated capitalism and some government services is best for the overall needs of society. For selfish reasons the staunch elites and moneyed classes will say that the Socialistic delivery of services is a pariah on the nation and we must guard against it at all costs.
Our health care, food, finance, and energy industry delivery systems are prime examples of how minimally regulated capitalism does not serve society well and in many cases is overtly harmful. In today’s society with everyone on information overload and rapidly changing technology it is not realistic or reasonable to expect the average consumer to know the entire strengths and weaknesses of every product and service available. Those people who have the added benefit of a higher education and the economic resources to vet the what vendors are selling have some degree of greater advantage, but are still not in a position to perform thorough due diligence on their own. The old adage, “Caveat Emptor” meaning let the buyer beware is an apathetic free enterprise attitude; but is this insensitive requirement realistic or humanistic?
If we had long term energy policy that could not be squashed or corrupted by big oil or coal, I believe that today we would be a lot less dependent on fossil fuels. If we were a lot more alternative energy independent I believe our need for oil imports and imperialistic intervention in the Middle East would be greatly decreased. Unfortunately fossil fuel producers have tremendous political influence that derails movement away from our dependency on them. The metrics have proven that we are a having a major increase in Global Warming since the beginning of the 20th century when the industrial revolution, expansion of automobile use, and technological development cause a great increase in fossil fuel energy consumption. The fossil fuel producers have hired sophisticated think tanks and PR organizations to try to down play man made Global Warming. Delaying a mitigation solution for curtailing GW and the increase in green house gases is already proving to have a disastrous effect on our planet.
Bechtel Corporation in concert with pressure from the IMF pressured Bolivia to privatize its water utility system, as a result the poor Bolivians water cost tripled and the people had to revolt in desperation. Bechtel fortunately turned the water system back to the people.
Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who many capitalists decry as the devil incarnate, in reality has been a savior for his countries people. He has nationalized the predatory oil producers, using the revenues for universal health care, improved housing, better education, and providing improved services to the general population. He enjoys over a 60% popularity rate and is very re-electable. Venezuela under Chavez now grows it own corn and grains, whereas before it was solely dependent on imports from countries such as the US. The bottom line is that with a mixed economy the people are happier and fairing a lot better than they did from totalitarian money lords.
Utility companies such as PG&E charge some of the highest rates. There costs of doing business are shareholder profit distributions, political lobbying costs, taxes, and other expenses that increase their rates to the consumer. Utility districts such as Alameda and Modesto provide lower utility costs to the consumer without subsidy, because they do not have the added expenses of a private utility such PG&E.
China using the long term planning and the mixed economy model seems to be developing very well. Granted, China has human rights and environmental stewardship issues it quickly needs to amend, but they are a picture of the US one hundred years ago when there were little worker rights and industry was totally irresponsible about environmental stewardship.
The pharmaceutical industry is grossly responsible for increased health care costs and marketing products that are unhealthy and sometimes death threatening to people’s health. For example poor mothers in Harlem are encouraged to buy sugar dense Similac baby formula by Abbott Labs, one of the major pharmaceutical companies, instead of breast feeding which has been proven to be much healthier for child development. Those infants ingesting Similac instead of mother breast milk will have a greater degree of obesity sometimes resulting in diabetes and heart disease. Breast milk is also more beneficial for proper brain development. Do we want to have an increased population of learning disabled children and adults? Society will pay for the greed of Abbott Labs dearly with increased health care costs. Doctors are given perks such as free vacations, entertainment tickets, and gourmet restaurant meals in order to encourage and prescribe drugs and products for patients that are destructive and not cost effective. Without proper regulations this capitalistic delivery system for drugs is destructive to society.
The not for profit health care model of the Kaiser Permanente system is out pacing all other private systems. Their quality of care and patient satisfaction has greatly improved in the last ten years and has become a benchmark model for many private for profit systems. The day is coming when the greedy Wall Street system and doctors earning one half million dollars or more per year will be coming to an end. The government needs to subsidize medical education so that we can attract bright medical school candidates who will easily work for $250,000 per year, as doctors do at Kaiser. Private for profit insurance providers and people wanting to go into medicine for big dollars will go by the wayside.
Capitalism without long term planning, reasonable oversight and policing in certain industries such as healthcare, energy, food, transportation, finance, consumer products and services will not properly serve the needs of society. Government absent crony capitalism is an unfortunate ingredient that is necessary to foster and protect the needs of society. Public banks serve the entirety of nation state, while private banks only serve the stockholders. There is plenty of room in our economy for the capitalistic delivery of goods and services, but some essentials such as health care insurance, basic housing, some transportation, utilities, and police and fire protection are best delivered by the quasi private/public sector.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Quotes by Harvey Rifkin

"It is not the big powerful people that I fear most; but the many ignorant childlike fearful masses who find safety in delusion, and who are so easily led like sheep, while allowing themselves to be deceived by government propaganda and religion"
"My ultimate loyalty is to Truth, not Nations, Political Parties, or Religions"
"One man’s conquering hero is another man’s imperialistic barbarian"
"Institutions of Religion, Family, Government, Loyalty, and Finance are like drinking water; they should be consistently tested and questioned so that the users are not infected or poisoned"
"G.O.D= Gold/Guns, Oil, Drugs"
"Love your Capitalism, but don't like some of your Capitalists”
“Being cheap is not putting oil in your car; being frugal or thrifty is buying the best oil at the lowest price and putting it into your car”
“Buy when the fearful are selling, and sell when the greedy are buying”
“No one can make you angry, happy, or defensive; the choice is totally in your hands”
“There was never a good war”
“The apes must be really shaking their heads realizing that they evolved into such a destructive and evil animal as humans”
“Boundaries without flexibility are like valves that cannot be opened or closed”
“My best course of action for positive change is to look at me first, not them”.
“Pride in ones work and ethics is a virtue, pride that supports the ego and lack of clear self introspection is a disease”

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

America: A land of dispirit misconceptions and hypocritical contradictions

Unfortunately many times, “We do not walk the talk”. It is disappointing that in America, as in many developed nations, we beat our chest with nationalistic hubris and arrogance, but do not deliver the goods. We propagate many myths through a partnership of religious institutions, major corporations, government and mass media to dumb down our population and to create a euphoric atmosphere of disinformation and mass delusion.
Some folks will say I am negative and down on America, to the contrary I want to realistically identify the short falls and frame alternatives to make our nation stronger in order to better serve the majority of our population. When less than one percent of our population holds almost one half the wealth and receives forty percent of the income then we are not a very balanced nation, but an Oligarchy controlled by a few elites. There is for the most part justice and leniency, superior healthcare, palatial housing, gourmet nutrition, access to opportunity, quality education, and immunity from hazardous military service, and quality of life for those of means and position. When our presidents arrogantly circumvent congressional approval, and take us into preemptive wars there is a blatant disregard for our Constitution and our moral standing as a nation. The following are examples of how our “Actions” as a nation does not join in concert with our “Speak”:
Over one eighth of our citizenry live below the poverty line. Programs for education, environmental stewardship, aid to dependent children, health care and other human need programs are being cut in the midst of high corporate profitability and tax avoidance. Corporate and Wall Street profits, in the midst of a recovering economic recession are at an all time high. The US enjoys one of the lowest income tax rates in the developed world. The biggest corporations such as GE, B of A, Chevron, Boeing, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, etc paid no corporate taxes, but shifted their US tax liabilities through foreign subsidiaries. The corporations are not to blame; it is our system that allows corporate person hood that is to blame.
Germany and Japan’s manufacturing account for 21% of their GDP, but in contrast the US ratio is only 13%. All three countries are developed nations. The US actually imports to a greater degree than Germany and Japan. The US actually produces some its oil and most of its gas, which means less dependency on energy importation, but our balance of payments is much greater. Germany and Japan have embraced alternative energy to a much greater degree than the US. The major difference for a greater degree of export/import balance by Japan and Germany is their dedication to quality education, skill building, manufacturing innovation, product innovation, and quality control. For example the US imports a great deal of hi-tech manufacturing and medical equipment that should be produced in our country.
The cost of public university education and tuition has vastly increased greatly in part, because our priorities for imperialistic defense and incarceration of non violent drug offenders, is more important than having a skilled and professional work force.
We like to believe that we are land of the best freedoms and fairest democratic systems, but in reality specifically with the invocation of the Patriot Act many of our First and Fourth Amendment rights are in jeopardy.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has recently reported that there are over 1,000 hate groups in America. If we are a land of fairness and justice why have these hate groups increased by 20% over the last five years? Is there such a degree of fear, ignorance, and misunderstanding in our country that these dangerous divisive groups continue to grow?
“Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through”. There is a degradation of justice in our Supreme Court system. A past example of injustice was the Bush/Gore voting fiasco, but a present example is the treatment of John Thompson. “Thompson” was wrongly convicted of murder and spent 14 unnecessary years on death row. He won a $14 million judgment against the state where he was convicted. Justice Thomas of the conservative Supreme Court set aside the award completely, saying that this was just an aberration. Thompson received nothing and was just written off entirely. The Thompson case is an example of when the defending party is a large corporation or a government entity, that the “Little Guy” has little chance of receiving justice. Justices Scalia, Alito, Roberts, Thomas are owned by the major corporate and government interests.
Defense spending, plain and simple, is socialism for the protection of international industrialists and bankers. Other than jobs that have been created in defense industries and some educational benefits, the resources that have been wasted on death and destruction could have been better spent creating jobs in beneficial technology, education, health care, the arts, alternative energy, and improving public transportation and infrastructure. The working class bears the negative brunt of defense through their being predominantly serving on the front lines and having to pay one half of their taxes toward war related expenditures.
Our Constitution states that we as individuals should have the freedom to practice the religion of our choosing. We should also have the freedom to be non-observant, overtly Atheist or Agnostic. Prayer and God are religious based concepts that have no place in our public schools, military regimen, public lands, or on our money. If someone in the military chooses to be observant they should have that right. Those who are not religious should not feel coerced or ostracized, because they chose to be non-observant.
Our US leaders preach using such words as, “Freedom, Democracy, Human Rights, and Liberation”, but in reality the US has been, directly or indirectly, one of the biggest supporters and financiers of Fascist dictators. A short list includes: Marcos, Franco, Pinochet, Suharto, Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, Mubarak, and even Hitler through our multi-national corporations and banking arms. True capitalism is created by an atmosphere of unfettered competition, regulation against fraud and deceit, and allowing enterprises that are not efficient or solvent to go out of business.
Whenever a corporation gets a tax break or subsidy it is rationalized as a job creator. In reality jobs are created when there is demand or where the least expensive labor can be procured. When help is given to the needy, our educational system, the arts to improve our quality of life, or other non-corporate entities it is demonized as welfare. I dollar in the hands of the poor is always spent immediately in the US to create purchasing demand and more jobs. A dollar in the hands of the wealthy does not necessarily go to create jobs in the US. Many times a dollar in the hands of the wealthy will go to another country or just sit idle producing no purchasing demand.
Support for alternative, not for profit media sources is essential to our democracy and national enlightenment. Why is that when certain human rights organizations and non-commercial media sources report sordid behavior by certain public and private groups that they are demonized as being Left Wing? Is it because they are reporting painful truths that reveal the bad behavior of certain individuals or groups?
How can we expect to have a nation of transparent politicians who are forthright and act with ethics and morality if we as the electorate allow ourselves to support dispirit interests and delude ourselves as to the destructive actions of our countries leaders and populace.
At the end of the day I would like to say that I am proud of the behavior of my government officials including all branches of government, but unfortunately I cannot. I find it difficult knowing that Supreme Court justices, congress people, and our commanders in chief can be bought off by the corporate elite and greedy powerful financiers.