Friday, October 22, 2010

If I become benign Emperor

Appeared in Benicia Herald 101/5/10:

In my humble opinion (is that an oxymoron), if I should be appointed emperor, I would need to have in place a detailed agenda of “To Do’s”. There is cliché that says that, “Success comes about when opportunity meets with preparation”. My first step is to prepare my agenda list as follows:
 “Prop 13” would be repealed, as its original intent was to give seniors, who owned and occupied their homes a property tax break. All properties, commercial, industrial, religious, and residential would be appraised yearly at full market value. Those whose primary residence is occupied by them, would be income means tested based on the average of the last three years of income, both earned, unearned, and capital gains. This change would encourage home ownership and eliminate subsidies to the wealthy and long time property owners. The goal is to lower taxes on new owners and raise taxes on long time owners.
 All personal relationship activities of consenting adults, including sexual, consenting prostitution, marriage, gender orientation, and behavioral would not come under any government regulations. Any of the above activity that resulted in non-consensual physical or emotional abuse would be controlled by existing statutory criminal laws.
 All drugs would be legalized in concert with some government oversight, user education, and taxation. This change would greatly reduce costs in our penal system.
 Capital punishment would be abolished, as studies have clearly proven that it falls unjustly on the poor and minorities, is non-reversible, is too costly for the taxpayers, and does not lower the murder rate. California savings estimated to be $138 million per year.
 Repeal all agricultural subsidies. Farming is now big corporate business. Primarily subsidizing corn, sugar cane, wheat, soy, and other grains promotes the use of unhealthy sugar intake and prepared foods. Farming is a business, and in our capitalistic system should compete based on healthy competition and good business practices.
 Do no try to outlaw guns, as this is an unrealistic and unfair expectation. People who are able to prove the safe handling and storage of guns should not be penalized for the unlawful or irresponsible behavior of others. Having guns for target practice or responsible hunting for food is not unreasonable. People should not be allowed to own automatic weaponry, hand grenades, and other military ordinance, unless it has been made inoperable for collection purposes.
 The tax exempt status of religious institutions would be repealed. Tax exemptions are a subsidy to a special interest class that does not include agnostics, atheists, and others who do not pay to belong to religious organizations. To the extent that religious institutions perform charity work, they would receive the same tax benefits of other non-profit benevolent organizations. Religion serves no higher benefit to society than yoga, meditation, personal growth therapy, belonging to a gym, traveling in nature, going to a spiritual retreat, or visiting a wilderness in Hawaii.
 Any politician at the local, state, or national level who receives a campaign contribution from a special interest group would be punishable as a federal offense to vote on an issue involving the special interest. The offending politician would be subject to fines, and public service.
 At the basic level for profit health insurance companies would be replaced by many non-profit companies that could compete nationally. There would be a requirement that companies could not merge if it decreased the competition base. Drugs and medical equipment could be purchased internationally, with quality oversight, in order to bring down prices.
 The inheritance tax would be progressive. Inheritance is not an important skill in the national interest such as intellect, hard work, capital, and labor. Billionaires such as Buffet, Turner, and Gates do not believe that building of continuing wealthy family dynasties is in the best public interest.
 A transparent and open media is essential to a healthy democracy. National media outlets being owned by a half dozen multi-lateral corporations is not in the public interest. Major corporations such as Viacom, Disney, News Corporation, GE, Disney, AOL Time Warner would be required to divest themselves of major media outlets that created a monopoly on information.
 Independent journalists would have complete access to all government spending and government operations information. It would be the full responsibility of the government to prove that keeping particular information classified would be in the national interest.
 Government employees could belong to unions without the ability to strike. Teachers would be paid based on merit, and tenure would be modified. Governments would be required to sub-contract out services such as security, public works, and grounds/building maintenance on an open bid basis. Government workers, because of better job security could only receive 90% of the average prevailing wages.
 The government would have to be totally transparent about any incidences of False Flag events such as 911. It would be the government’s responsibility, not the public’s, to prove that there was no malfeasance related to any actions that involved the public security or fiscal expenditures.
 There would be no bailouts of private companies. Banks and financial institutions would be regulated so that they had to be totally transparent and not too big to fail. All consumer borrowing would require that buyer be made totally aware of all the potential risks, and would be required to sign off on each risk.
 The Federal Reserve being an integral part of our financial system would be required to be totally transparent to the public.
 Men and women who are financially irresponsible and abusive, who continue to create children, would be required to have birth control implants that would render them infertile until they could show a history of parental responsibility.
 Corporations would be limited as to their ability to contribute to political campaigns. It is not in the public interest to concentrate so much power in the hands of a few large entities.
 There would be no job discrimination privately, publicly, or militarily based on race, gender, nationality, or sexual orientation.
 Startup small businesses that are R&D related, would receive extra tax credits for successful innovation.
 A long term plan would be put in place to phase out fossil burning fuels.
 Any laws that supported “Crony Capitalism” would be abolished. Government officials would be personally liable for handing out special conflict of interest contracts.
 Issues involving civil and human rights would be decided by the judiciary, as history has proven that electorate is too ignorant, fearful, and uneducated to decide how the fair rights of minority groups should be determined.
If you have items you would like to add to the above, please send them to the “Letters to the Editor”.
Harvey is a Benicia businessman. You may visit Harvey’s Blog and leave comments at:

The Symbolism and Substance of Patriotism

Appeared in Benicia Herald 10/12/10:

How does each one of us choose to view and understand Patriotism? What is a Patriot? Who is a Patriot, and who is a traitor? What must I do to act patriotically? Do I use the words to make myself appear to be superior to others? If I say I am a Patriot, or act Patriotically, does that confer special rights on me that should not be enjoyed by one who is not seen as a Patriot? Do I view my Patriotism in terms of my caring and empathy for people, or do I see the words in abstract symbolic terms.
The dictionary defines Patriotism as “Love or devotion to ones country”. Patriotic is defined as “Inspired by Patriotism”. A Patriot is, “One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests”. Patriotism, Nationalism, and loyalty are interchangeable words for many of us. The definition of loyalty is, “Unswerving in allegiance; faithful in allegiance to ones sovereign or government; faithful to a law, custom, ideal, institution, or product”. Analyzing each of the above definitions brings up many questions about Patriotism and loyalty for me.
The politically opportunistic and dangerous Senator Joseph McCarthy misused the word “Patriotism” as a tool to gain power, squash those who disagreed with him, and to further his ominous political career. Using the word “Patriotism” as a tool of power, to oppress free thought and dissent, incarcerate without “Due Process”, and to torture and kill is no more patriotic then if one acted as the despotic traitor themselves.
I feel patriotic when I perform acts of service. I believe that acts of service, performed on a one to one basis, volunteering locally or nationally, or unconditional giving of one’s self to another is the highest form of Patriotism. Patriotism should serve to benefit and support those in need and our peers, not to enrich and further and empower the mega wealthy, or to support further acts of violence and corruption by our government.
As a wise, self serving, and practical choice, I choose to be “Conditionally Patriotic”, as I did not know there was any other moral or intelligent choice. Thomas Jefferson said, “Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism”. Why do governments try to suppress free expression, transparency in the media, and dissatisfaction with so called benign mandates of government that oppress the people? According to Jefferson, governments that suppress dissent and freedom of thought are discouraging true Patriotism. “Blind unconditional Patriotism” and “Blind Love” can be both equally damaging to the believer. Loyalty or Patriotism usually serves the master, but most times does not best serve the slave, follower, or loyal citizen.
One of the greatest symbols of Patriotism, acting Patriotic, or being a Patriot is seen by many of us as how we perceive “Old Glory”. There are realities of the flag and myths about the flag. Some of the realities are that it’s a piece of rectangular of cloth, dyed in three colors that people like to salute, or display at parades, government buildings, or just wave around. Another reality is that some of us receive a warm fuzzy feeling in our souls when we salute or view the flag. Quite frankly it matters not to me, if people salute the flag in admiration, or burn it in protest, because they are both symbolic acts of little substance.
Dying for ones country is sometimes seen as a Patriotic act. There is something about the adrenalin rush and macho chest beating energy that makes some of us feel very Patriotic when our country goes to war. The last great example of the above is our invasion of Iraq, when 89% of us so called Patriotic Americans believed we were doing the right thing to bring Hussein down, fight terrorists, and free the Iraqi people. The thought of hundreds of thousands of innocent dead Iraqi adults and children, thousands of our own people left dead, a country left in mass destruction, and civil wars, does not reinforce my feelings of Patriotism. After seven years of war in the Middle East, that Patriotic feeling that most of once felt has diminished and been replaced by shame, anger, and resentment that the leaders of our country lied to us. It is difficult for me to feel Patriotic for the reason that we invaded Iraq was for over a hundred billion barrels of oil reserves and to preserve the value of the dollar. Hussein threatened to start trading oil in Euro’s instead of dollars. I cannot feel Patriotic knowing that we caused the death and destruction, because we valued greed more than life.
Trusting and not questioning our government is sometimes seen as acting Patriotic. I believe that Patriotism is tied into the myth of the patriarchal father, who is all knowing, righteous, infinitely wise, and always acting in our best interests. Some of us also fall for this myth in our families, religious institutions, places of employment, and dangerously, or many times our corrupt government leaders. Sometimes the words loyalty and Patriotism are interchangeable. Mark Twain aptly said, “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it". The point I am trying to make is that the wise person should exercise conditional loyalty or Patriotism.
Saying, “We are the best country in the world”, in an omnipotent superior fashion sometimes invokes feelings of superiority and Patriotism, but it may also backfire on us. The above statement if said in arrogance or boasting, may also invoke feelings of resentment and hatred by those people in other countries, and specifically where our foreign policy has been violent, imperialistic, and disrespectful of the indigenous people.
“Support our Troops” can be seen as another act of Patriotism, or maybe just an abstraction that does little for the well being of our troops, but makes us feel that we are doing our part for the Patriotic war effort. It is a nice gesture to affix a yellow ribbon “Support our troops” magnet or decal to ones car, and its makes the person displaying the symbol feel as if they are doing their patriotic duty. In reality, if we are truly patriotic in substance, and not in symbolism, whenever the “War Drums” start to beat we should ask serious questions of our leaders, not trust that they are acting in our best interests, loudly protest, and collectively threaten to withhold our tax dollars and votes for the pending war effort. Let’s support our troops by making sure that they have proper armor in the battlefield, adequate physical and mental health care for them and their families, financial support for their families, and a respectable job when they return from combat. Lastly let’s have societal support for our homeless vets. Supporting our troops in substance is not putting them in harm’s way in the first place, so that rich and powerful “Fat Cats” may profit on the bodies and lives of young idealistic and innocent young men and women who justly believe that they are doing their patriotic duty.
So next time we feel that we need be patriotic, act patriotically, or say what should be patriotic, we should give serious thoughts to how the act of Patriotism will benefit our fellow man, or enrich a “Fat Cat”, or just give us a short lived adrenalin rush.
Harvey is a Benicia businessman. You may visit Harvey’s Blog and leave comments at:

Are Governments Credible Witnesses?

Appeared in Benicia Hearald 10/19/10:

So why is that we have so little trust in the credibility of government? Should we be shocked to find out that governments have much the same character failings as individuals, but only to a much greater extent? Sometimes truths about our patriarchal institutions are uncomfortable to digest emotionally, and do not satisfy that child like need to feel “Warm and Fuzzy”. No matter how painful, I always opt for the truth over safe short term deception or myth. Most deceptions ultimately reveal their ugly faces, but the truths live on through eternity.
Typically the type of people who enter the higher levels of government are motivated by power, a need to be recognized, sometimes wanting to perform good for society, and to ride on the financial perks that politics offers, both openly and clandestinely. So when we voice our dissatisfaction about government, we are really expressing our thoughts and feelings about the people who structure themselves into the organization we call government. Many times it is not even the government leaders who are the architects of misdeeds, but their financial backers behind the curtains. Our human nature as Americans is that we want to believe that we are always the “Good Guys” and never have greedy or imperialistic motives for what our government does in own country or other countries.
Many times people in government rationalize their lies by saying, “It is in the security interest of our country that we keep the truth from you”. For example, “The American people do not need to see pictures of dead soldiers coming back in body bags and coffins”. What the military really fears is that their support for an unjustified war will be withheld.
The following is according to So why do people lie? People lie every day. They learn how to lie early in life, and continue lying their entire lives. A person may lie to protect or enrich himself, and in an attempt to control life, or to avoid accountability. Evidence suggests that most people learn to lie at a very early age. Starting at about three, children will lie to avoid getting into trouble. By age five, when it comes to dodging punishment, most kids are expert liars. Parents teach children how to tell these white lies early in life. For example, “Tell Aunt Betty she looks great in those jeans.” It is natural for people to lie to protect themselves and cover for their mistakes. But covering for someone else is a little more of a stretch and requires a little more practice. But by the time most people are adults, lying is second nature.
Wiki leaks are a useful blog for revealing the perjurious behavior of militaries and governments. Governments try to shut down “Wiki” by saying that “Wiki” endangers soldiers. That is a fallacious defense by our government, because if government was so concerned about the well being of our people in uniform they would question the motives of sending them into warfare in the first place.
We were told that the reason we invaded Iraq was to “Free and Liberate” the people from Saddam Hussein and destroy weapons of mass destruction. Now how would it play out in the hearts and souls of the masses if they were honestly told that the US invaded Iraq to denationalize the oil production, and put it back in the hands of private corporations, owned primarily by US and UK mega corporations? In addition, Hussein wanted to start trading oil in Euro’s which would do a lot to destabilize our US dollar even further. We as Americans would then look like “Big greedy bad guy bullies” if the truth be told. In reality people in other nations sometimes despise us and our allies for how we behave around the world, not for our internal lifestyles.
The human emotional mind many times rules over the logical intellectual mind as a means to protect us from uncomfortable realities of life. We want to believe that our government leaders are honest, moral, transparent, and keep their promises. History has proven that many times our government leaders deceive us by manipulating the truth, withholding important information, or using mass media PR and spin to manifest their deception. Unfortunately, many times the consequences of powerful people lying in government are injury, death, destruction, and financial ruin.
For those who are still stuck in their safe cocoon of denial about our government being the “Good Daddy” that we need and fantasize about, I will cite some of the following examples of our government being a perjuring and deceitful witness:
• Gulf Of Tonkin: Fictitious report of a North Vietnamese attack to justify a mass escalation of the Vietnam War.
• Pearl Harbor: Suppression of multiple warnings and information sources about an impending possible attack by the Japanese in order to induce America into WWII.
• Illegal Bombing of Cambodia: Directed by Kissinger, McNamara, and Nixon that killed 2 million innocent civilians that was uncovered by Daniel Ellsberg in the Pentagon Papers.
• 9/11: The true conspirators are the US government, not 19 Muslim terrorists. The “9/11 Commission Report” was a major cover up orchestrated by Philip Zelikow, a Bush loyalist and Executive Director of the “9/11 Commission” who controlled the investigation and report writing and purposely left out major evidence and information that would lead to the true cause and effect of 9/11.
There are those who refuse to accept the realities of the above lies, but if one is truly interested in finding out the uncomfortable truth, it is readily out there for your investigation. If one uncovers facts about our government that are detrimental to society does that make one unpatriotic? Nazi propaganda specialist J. Goebbels said, "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for a lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger"
Some of my fellow American’s accuse me of being unpatriotic, because I question the integrity and moral choices of our government leaders. If a citizen witnesses a bank robbery and brings the criminals to the attention of the law enforcement authorities that person would be seen as community hero. On the other hand if an individual or group calls out breaches of government integrity, military mass killing of civilians, or questions the leadership status quo they are sometimes demonized as being unpatriotic citizens or “America Haters”.
The archetype of the Patriarchal “Good and Kind” father myth causes some people to go into denial about family members, clergy, spouses, and government leaders. People in general always want to feel that they are a member of the best nation, and will obscure their reality to make the myth so. I believe that any person who truly studies our American history from a dispassionate point of view will clearly find that both Democrat and Republican high level leaders in our government have lied to us on many occasions. No country is immune from corruption, barbarianism, and deceit. We can show our continued patriotism by being vigilant activist watchdogs of our high level civilian and military leaders, and hopefully move government to be a credible witness in the court of its citizenry.
You may visit Harvey’s Blog and leave comments at:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Muslim bashing is part of our war strategy

If one researches history of the inception of most nation state conflicts, one will find a manufactured enemy to substantiate a war. An aggressor country always needs a perceived enemy to get its people into alignment to support its government for an invasion. In some cases where there is some disagreement in ideology, or in most cases if the invading country needs to capture land or resources, propaganda programs must be disseminated, and ultimately a “False Flag” event must occur to act as the warring catalyst. The U.S. has been the most popular player and expert in this, “Lets blame and demonize so we can invade” game. Many other countries in the past have also used the above PR strategy to get their people in lock step to support a war.
Please bear in mind that in most instances a countries military industrial complex sees any conflict as an opportunity for military officer’s rapid advancement, and major increased sales of military hardware. High ranking officers are usually the military personnel who do not endure many casualties. International bankers then have an opportunity to make large profits on interest baring loans and bonds that are sure to be paid back.
Going back to the period of “Manifest Destiny” and the expansion of the railroads across America, expanding settlers and the US Cavalry slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Native Americans. In order to rationalize their slaughter, we found it necessary to label them as an enemy, then we had to label them sub-human and uncivilized. Using this inhumane rationale, because they were inferior or equivalent to wild animals we could support killing and exterminating them. This mass murder was really about taking away land that they held for thousands of years so that our peoples of European decent could have the land at little or no cost.
In 1973, military units in Chile attacked key government installations and overthrow the democratically-elected government of Salvador Allende Gossens. This coup, which brought the repressive regime of Augusto Pinochet to power, was in large part the product of pressure and planning by American corporate and political leaders. Allende was elected in 1970 as the candidate of the Popular Unity Party with the support of the Socialist and Communist Parties. He was thus freely elected and a man of the Left, which for U.S. leaders was their worst-case scenario.
Harold Geneen, CEO of ITT Corporation, a conglomerate that owned vast copper and other non-ferrous metal assets in Chile were concerned about the newly elected democratic government headed by Allende. Geneen contacted his friend Henry Kissinger who had our CIA set up a covert mission to make it look like Communist elements were destabilizing the government. Thousands of Chileans were murdered by the CIA, so that corporate assets would remain in the hands of ITT. The US had to make it appear that Chileans were bad people that needed to be eliminated because they were Communist, or Communist sympathizers.
Since the end of WWII, Communism was the perfect enemy to support our military buildup and aggression. The Vietnam war that was ramped up on the “False Flag” Gulf of Tonkin event, gave Lyndon Johnson and Congress the entre’ to move ahead with a full occupation and invasion of South Vietnam. Ultimately the campaign included bombing in the north, and the illegal secret bombing and killing of over 2 million innocent Cambodian civilians. Our economic goal was to protect the property of major corporations in that area, secure lands that provided rubber trees, keep in place opium that provided illicit drugs for the CIA and Mafia connections, and protecting access to oil production around the Indonesian basin. In addition, a great deal of money was made by the Military Industrial Complex, and bankers.
Now that I have set a prelude and motivation for war, I can get to the current subject of how demonizing Muslims has been a PR boon to our war effort in the Middle East. Approximately ten years before our invasion of Iraq, the PNAC, and the Trilateral commission had a goal to achieve US hegemony, primarily by securing oil and mineral reserves in the Middle East. For decades there had been varying degrees of conflict between Israel, aided financially by the US, and neighboring Muslim countries. In addition, there has been continuing conflict and tension between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. In the early nineties there was an alleged bombing of the World Trade Center by Muslim radicals. There was also an alleged bombing by Muslim radicals of a US Navy ship in Yemen, and a facility in Africa. Muslims are also dark skinned people who embrace a language, culture and religion that is alien to us in America. I am in no way condoning radical or barbaric behavior by any group, and specifically Muslims. The reason why I always use the word “alleged”, is that the CIA, MI-5, and the Mossad have been involved in numerous undercover counter-intelligence events that have perpetrated a false enemy.
Warring, has always been profitable for international bankers and the “Military Industrial Complex”, as well as major corporations, and natural resource asset investors. Saddam Hussein, an original CIA front man who turned rogue, and nationalized Iraq’s oil production, that was previously owned by BP, Shell, etc. turned out to be on our Persona non Grata list. Iraq happens to have OPEC’s third largest oil reserves at approximately 115 billion barrels.
The US needs control of more oil reserves, and the US and UK oil companies are very unhappy about having their oil production taken away by Hussein. The big conundrum is, how do we get the American people and congress behind an invasion of Iraq to recapture the oil production for the large energy corporations.? Please be clear “Freeing and Liberating” oppressed people in itself is not a money making venture, but we as Americans generally loathe the idea of going to war primarily for economic purposes. If we were so concerned about the lives of oppressed peoples, we would have not allowed the slaughter of over 800,000 impoverished people in Darfur. Unfortunately they had no oil, minerals, or diamonds that we could turn into money.
Enter the perfect “False Flag” event “911”, those “Bad crazy Muslims” are at again, but this time on American soil, killing over 3,000 innocent Americans, and destroying massive American symbols of wealth such as the two World trade Center Towers. Based on the above falsehood that it was “The Muslims” and WMD’s, we invaded Iraq.
The lesson is for those who demonize a group of people, condemning their legal right to build a community center a block from Ground Zero, please do some serious fact checking before you label innocent people demons based on the reports of our government that has a long history of lying and killing thousands of innocent people.

We need more American hero’s such as Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg is a consummate example of a modern day patriot who risked his illustrious career for the pursuit of truth, and transparency in government. How many of us have the courage to sacrifice our careers, or being imprisoned, for the triumph of conscience. Finding people who have the courage to be high level government “Whistleblowers” has many obstacles in addition to vocational ruin, such as mysterious death, loss of income, threats to family members, harassment, and “Black Balling” in social and professional communities. We need a high level career professional today, such as an Ellsberg to come forth, who has the courage to uncover the US Government hoax of 911.
"If there’s another 9/11 or a major war in the Middle-East involving a U.S. attack on Iran, I have no doubt that there will be, the day after or within days an equivalent of a Reichstag fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this country." D. Ellsberg
Ellsberg graduated summa cum laude from Harvard, graduated first in his class of 1,100 at Marine officers school, and served as a first lieutenant platoon leader in Vietnam. Ellsberg is a former American military analyst employed by the RAND Corporation, who precipitated a national firestorm in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, the US military's account of activities during the Vietnam War, to The New York Times. The release awakened the American people to a systematic program of organized deception carried out by the Pentagon against the population to continue the Vietnam War.
At a past interview, Ellsberg stated that based on his past associations, he believed that criminal elements of the US government were psychologically capable to have carried out 911.
Ellsberg said that he was associated with people at the highest levels of government who created warring schemes to provoke pro-war sentiment in the US. He is amongst a group of esteemed professionals, military leaders, and other government officials who believe that a new investigation of 911 is paramount.
Every day more and more respected professionals are publicly voicing their questions about the official 911 “Meme”. The 911 cover-up wall is breaking under the weight of these truth seekers' efforts. The perpetrators of 911 are watching the “Truthers” in great fear, while wondering what other incriminating evidence will be spilled into the public forum. The present administration has become so concerned about the public being made so aware of the true facts of 911that they have appointed Cass Sunstein, a legal scholar, to try to spread propaganda on the internet in order to try to “Debunk” hard evidence possibly pointing to US complicity in 911.
A government that was surely intent on truth and transparency, would go to great lengths to uncover the truth about 911, by supporting a new and thorough independent investigation. There have been offers from legal entities, as well as other nations to conduct a new 911 investigation. Again in the interest of truth and integrity why is the US so obstructive to the noble gestures for seeking the truth?
We must not, and cannot rely on our corrupt government and complicit superficial “spin doctor” mass media sources to provide us with honest, complete, and transparent information about issues such as military operations and budgets, foreign relations, and health care reform. I seek out independent sources that have no US government ties, or receive no corporate monies or donations. Even past trusted sources such as NPR are being harnessed by its government and corporate benefactors. I trust news services from other countries, before I take seriously information that has been manipulated by the CIA, Sate Department, and Pentagon.
There is an ever present conflict of interest when the entity that is the reporter or messenger is also the perpetrator of the action. Enron and their cozy auditors, Arthur Anderson are textbook examples of the fraudulent perpetrators, also being the auditor/observer and reporter. Who could ever trust a politician who receives a special interest campaign contribution to act in the best interests of the voters, and not the lobbyist’s client?
Many more people are starting to accept the clear evidence of three massive buildings falling at free fall speed, caused by Controlled Demolitions, and one building not even hit by any flying objects as milestones in the evidence file of the US “official 911 Report” being a cruel hoax perpetrated on a loyal nation. In addition, two independent scientific sources, not tied to the US government or Corporatocracy, have found clear evidence of Thermite and nano-Thermite, a high temperature explosive and incendiary capable of easily melting steel, in the collapsed building debris.
Is there an “Ellsberg” building up courage, standing in the wings of high level government, being tugged at by his conscience, who will come forth as a great patriot to expose the egregious US crime of 911? Will alleged passenger jet liners, high jacked by CIA actors, and crashing into massive buildings, allegedly causing their free fall collapse be the next “911-e-gate”? We must bring an end to the “Gulf of Tonkin’s”, “Operation Northwood’s”, Fantasy “Warren Commissions“, “Illegal Bombings of Cambodia’s”, “Iran Contras”, “911’s”, and many other False Flag events that perpetuate wars, only support the wealthy and powerful, kill and maim many innocents, and keep us perpetually in debt. I believe that 911 is the biggest “Canary in the Mine” to date, of False Flag events, that needs to be thoroughly uncovered, in order to stop these deceptive catalysts leading to needless wars and conflicts. Uncovering False Flag events is not an issue of partisanship, leaders of both major political parties have been equally complicit in these deceitful acts that lead to wars.
The short term pain of US high level official embarrassment, due to the 911 event, will eventually heal, but the long term “Sweetness of Truth” will live on to be a major boost to the people’s confidence in ultimate justice and transparency in government. This “Ugly 911 Elephant in the Room” must be removed for the survival of our country, and the cleansing of our national and spiritual integrity.
What is the value of blind loyalty to country, company, and military, without first applying morality, integrity, justice, and humanity? If our blind loyalty, greed, fear, apathy, and denial triumph over truth, fairness, and justice, then we have clearly lost our way as a nation and a human race. We should never feel intimidated, uncomfortable, unpatriotic, or disloyal for asking the sometimes difficult and important questions.

Raising Minorities also Raises the Majority

Some folks have accepted a norm of short term thinking that enables them to rationalize intolerance and discrimination. We like to think of ourselves as living in the “Best Nation” in the world. How do we define best nation, is it economic opportunity, human rights, health care for all, education, lowest mortality rate, a free and open press, and quality of life? Unfortunately we do not rank at the top of the list for all these important criteria, and the one issue I am going to focus on today is human rights. A subset of human rights is equal opportunity for all based on race, nationality, religious belief or none, gender, and sexual orientation. I believe, based on historical data that creating an environment of tolerance, equal opportunity, and inclusion benefits everyone from an economic, emotional, spiritual, and sociological perspective.
I am a relatively well educated white male heterosexual non-observant agnostic Jew, who has been able to make his way successfully into the economic and societal fabric of this country. Warren Buffet would probably say that I am a member of the “Lucky Sperm Club”. I really do not have a first-hand experience of what it would be like to be a, “Gay-Black-Muslim-Transgender-Women”. I am citing a fictitious example of what I believe to be one of the most severely perceived under classes in our present society. With the exception of lineage, intelligence, physical, or emotional disabilities it would be ideal for all peoples on earth to have equal opportunities. It is easy for me to be smug, confident, and insulated from the pain of discrimination, rejection, and feeling less than.
Afro-Americans for hundreds of years were a consummate example of what happens to unfortunate people when we fail to give them due respect, equal educational, housing, and employment opportunities. In addition, through the slavery model we have destabilized their family units and ingrained them with a sense of deteriorated self esteem. It is very easy for us to say, “Why don’t you just get over your past and get with the program”? That statement is a very simplistic and insensitive cop-out, realizing that everyone is affected differently by their experience, perception, and family culture.
Contrasting the northern states against the southern states, where there was a disparity in integration, and educational opportunity, the north advanced more rapidly, and the south took a much longer time to advance as a society. With education came many more technological, financial, and mercantile opportunities. Be it not for the mainly agrarian plantation type slave culture embraced by the south, in the long term with the exception of a few wealthy plantation owners, the southern states would have advanced much rapidly than they had.
Women for millennia have been treated as chattels, not allowed to vote, hold most jobs, and were denied educational opportunities in most cultures. Now in modern cultures most of oppression of human has been eliminated, even though there are still remnants of some insecure chauvinistic males making snide remarks about women even today. As a result of empowering women we have doubled the amount of people in our society who have developed intellect, useful skills, and creative energy to offer our society. The argument that women should be home just making babies is a totally fallacious argument for a modern society. Many women do not have the passion to birth, raise, and parent children, so who wants someone in a society that will be a poor parent. On the corollary there are many men who have the passion and nurturing skills to make better parents than women. Maybe someday with technology, men will be capable of breast feeding.
Another example of how we would gain more as society economically and emotionally is the acceptance of openly gay military personnel. It is estimated that approximately 12,000 admitted gay military personnel have been dismissed from military service due to their unaccepted sexual orientation. The estimated cost of the DADT policy is upwards of over $500 million factoring in training costs and early departures. Many of these gay military departures were bright talented highly trained enlisted people and officers who brought real skill values to the military service. Twenty Two members of NATO allow service of openly gay military members. Most fire departments in our cities have openly accepted gay firefighters. These firefighters live in communal sleeping and bathroom facilities without any issues. The problem is not gays in the military, it is fearful ignorant people in the military who bring everyone else down. If we have talented people who happen to be gay, why would we rationally exclude them from making a positive contribution to military service.
Same Sex Marriage, or “Prop 8” is another issue that to says to gay people, you pay taxes, you contribute to society equally with heterosexual people, and more or less you have the same relationship issues that straight couples have. “But you are less than”, so therefore you must settle for “Separate but Equal”; meaning domestic partnerships. “Separate but Equal” was knocked down by the court in Brown v. Board of Education. Denying gays to marry was just adjudicated to be in violation of the Constitution, and the issue of defining who can marry should have never put to a vote in the first place, but that’s politics. To date there is not one piece of bonifide evidence that shows that gay marriage has destroyed, or threatened anyone’s traditional marriage. It is estimated that California will gain approximately $400 million going to its hospitality, travel, gift, and other industries from gay marriages. California will also gain approximately $65 million in taxes from these transactions.
Ignorance, fear, and backward cultural and religious family values are not acceptable, or logical reasons for perpetuating intolerance. People who hold these views are also an unfortunate minority who hold down the advancement and betterment of society. Making laws barring intolerance and discrimination are only an intellectual first step. The final cure is to enable and encourage people to experience diversity, teach tolerance in our schools and places of worship, and encourage progressive thinking children to enlighten their fearful ignorant parents and adult friends. On the surface, the principles of majority rule and the protection of individual and minority rights would seem contradictory. In fact, however, these principles are twin pillars holding up the very foundation of what we mean by democratic government. When we give everyone the best educational and employment experiences, fair housing choices, equal relationship choices, and remove fearful and hateful attitudes from our psyche, than we can only be the most successful society where everyone becomes a winner.

The Symbolism and Substance of Patriotism

How does each one of us choose to view and understand Patriotism? What is a Patriot? Who is a Patriot, and who is a traitor? What must I do to act patriotically? Do I use the words to make myself appear to be superior to others? If I say I am a Patriot, or act Patriotically, does that confer special rights on me that should not be enjoyed by one who is not seen as a Patriot? Do I view my Patriotism in terms of my caring and empathy for people, or do I see the words in abstract symbolic terms.
The dictionary defines Patriotism as “Love or devotion to ones country”. Patriotic is defined as “Inspired by Patriotism”. A Patriot is, “One who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests”. Patriotism, Nationalism, and loyalty are interchangeable words for many of us. The definition of loyalty is, “Unswerving in allegiance; faithful in allegiance to ones sovereign or government; faithful to a law, custom, ideal, institution, or product”. Analyzing each of the above definitions brings up many questions about Patriotism and loyalty for me.
The politically opportunistic and dangerous Senator Joseph McCarthy misused the word “Patriotism” as a tool to gain power, squash those who disagreed with him, and to further his ominous political career. Using the word “Patriotism” as a tool of power, to oppress free thought and dissent, incarcerate without “Due Process”, and to torture and kill is no more patriotic then if one acted as the despotic traitor themselves.
I feel patriotic when I perform acts of service. I believe that acts of service, performed on a one to one basis, volunteering locally or nationally, or unconditional giving of one’s self to another is the highest form of Patriotism. Patriotism should serve to benefit and support those in need and our peers, not to enrich and further and empower the mega wealthy, or to support further acts of violence and corruption by our government.
As a wise, self serving, and practical choice, I choose to be “Conditionally Patriotic”, as I did not know there was any other moral or intelligent choice. Thomas Jefferson said, “Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism”. Why do governments try to suppress free expression, transparency in the media, and dissatisfaction with so called benign mandates of government that oppress the people? According to Jefferson, governments that suppress dissent and freedom of thought are discouraging true Patriotism. “Blind unconditional Patriotism” and “Blind Love” can be both equally damaging to the believer. Loyalty or Patriotism usually serves the master, but most times does not best serve the slave, follower, or loyal citizen.
One of the greatest symbols of Patriotism, acting Patriotic, or being a Patriot is seen by many of us as how we perceive “Old Glory”. There are realities of the flag and myths about the flag. Some of the realities are that it’s a piece of rectangular of cloth, dyed in three colors that people like to salute, or display at parades, government buildings, or just wave around. Another reality is that some of us receive a warm fuzzy feeling in our souls when we salute or view the flag. Quite frankly it matters not to me, if people salute the flag in admiration, or burn it in protest, because they are both symbolic acts of little substance.
Dying for ones country is sometimes seen as a Patriotic act. There is something about the adrenalin rush and macho chest beating energy that makes some of us feel very Patriotic when our country goes to war. The last great example of the above is our invasion of Iraq, when 89% of us so called Patriotic Americans believed we were doing the right thing to bring Hussein down, fight terrorists, and free the Iraqi people. The thought of hundreds of thousands of innocent dead Iraqi adults and children, thousands of our own people left dead, a country left in mass destruction, and civil wars, does not reinforce my feelings of Patriotism. After seven years of war in the Middle East, that Patriotic feeling that most of once felt has diminished and been replaced by shame, anger, and resentment that the leaders of our country lied to us. It is difficult for me to feel Patriotic for the reason that we invaded Iraq was for over a hundred billion barrels of oil reserves and to preserve the value of the dollar. Hussein threatened to start trading oil in Euro’s instead of dollars. I cannot feel Patriotic knowing that we caused the death and destruction, because we valued greed more than life.
Trusting and not questioning our government is sometimes seen as acting Patriotic. I believe that Patriotism is tied into the myth of the patriarchal father, who is all knowing, righteous, infinitely wise, and always acting in our best interests. Some of us also fall for this myth in our families, religious institutions, places of employment, and dangerously, or many times our corrupt government leaders. Sometimes the words loyalty and Patriotism are interchangeable. Mark Twain aptly said, “Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it". The point I am trying to make is that the wise person should exercise conditional loyalty or Patriotism.
Saying, “We are the best country in the world”, in an omnipotent superior fashion sometimes invokes feelings of superiority and Patriotism, but it may also backfire on us. The above statement if said in arrogance or boasting, may also invoke feelings of resentment and hatred by those people in other countries, and specifically where our foreign policy has been violent, imperialistic, and disrespectful of the indigenous people.
“Support our Troops” can be seen as another act of Patriotism, or maybe just an abstraction that does little for the well being of our troops, but makes us feel that we are doing our part for the Patriotic war effort. It is a nice gesture to affix a yellow ribbon “Support our troops” magnet or decal to ones car, and its makes the person displaying the symbol feel as if they are doing their patriotic duty. In reality, if we are truly patriotic in substance, and not in symbolism, whenever the “War Drums” start to beat we should ask serious questions of our leaders, not trust that they are acting in our best interests, loudly protest, and collectively threaten to withhold our tax dollars and votes for the pending war effort. Let’s support our troops by making sure that they have proper armor in the battlefield, adequate physical and mental health care for them and their families, financial support for their families, and a respectable job when they return from combat. Lastly let’s have societal support for our homeless vets. Supporting our troops in substance is not putting them in harm’s way in the first place, so that rich and powerful “Fat Cats” may profit on the bodies and lives of young idealistic and innocent young men and women who justly believe that they are doing their patriotic duty.
So next time we feel that we need be patriotic, act patriotically, or say what should be patriotic, we should give serious thoughts to how the act of Patriotism will benefit our fellow man, or enrich a “Fat Cat”, or just give us a short lived adrenalin rush.