Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Those who refute man made Global Warming effects.

The majority of scientists and even CEO’s of “Big Energy Companies” believe, based on much acquired evidence that there is a “Man Made” global warming effect.

On the other hand those on the “Far Right” who have basically a Political Agenda to discredit the “Progressives, Critical Thinkers, and so called “Liberals” will grasp at any miniscule grain of evidence, or miscommunication to create doubt in the minds of “John Q Public”. The “Far Right” glees at the thought of disclosing a liberal getting a “Blow Job” in the oval office. Over $100 million dollars was spent on the potential impeachment of Bill Clinton, while only $14 million was spent on investigating “9/11”. The “9/11” commission was appointed by the “Foxes in the Henhouse”, so how can one expect a thorough investigation and unbiased report.

In addition, those whose primary income is derived from coal and oil would not benefit economically if their carbon based energy sources were replaced by clean and renewable energy. Big coal and oil primarily support the “Right Wing” agenda. What more do you need to know.

So we can see there are people who are in high financial and political places who stand to loose big time if society embraces the destructive forces of Global Warming.

It’s a simple “Connect the Dots” game.


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