Monday, April 12, 2010

Suppression of the Media

DOES SUPPRESSION OF THE MEDIA EXIST?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Extents of Suppression of the Media.

Freedom of the press is one of the main tenets of American society and it is something that everyone strongly believes in.

But recently, there has been evidence that the American press may not be quite as free as people think.

In fact there is evidence supporting the fact that the government has been responsible for direct manipulation of the media to sway people’s opinion and muster support for military campaigns.

These reports come at a time when national sentiments are at an all time low after the current economic recession.

They also come at a time when the western world is embroiled in a national conspiracy which starts at the Federal Reserve and works its way all the way to the Whitehouse.

This is one of the most deeply rooted and secretive conspiracies of modern times.

It is responsible for the suppression of the media, as the people behind it actually own the media.

They also own the pharmaceutical industry, the telecommunications industry and many others.

But, just who are these people and where do they come from?

They are known as the New World Order and they are a group of highly powerful criminals.

They have been lurking in our government for generations.

The New World Order learned that they cannot control the press, so they did the only thing that was left: they bought them outright. Today, can you name a single independent nationwide media outlet?

There are none. Because independent press is difficult for the corrupt government and the New World Order to control. As a result of their actions, suppression of the media is no longer necessary. Instead, they now use the media as a tool of propaganda and distraction.

The independent and fearless press corps of yesterday is now a thing of the past. Instead, today we have good looking and attractive presenters who are barely even university graduates. It is a sad shame to see the American press devolve into what it is now.

But as the major press institutions of the United States were slowly bought, smaller more independent organizations started to appear. Thanks to the internet, there is still a medium where small organizations that still feel that responsibility to the people can provide real, unbiased news.

The hard part though, is in getting people to listen because the majority of the west are brainwashed by these megalithic press organizations that do little other than brainwash and manipulate the public.

The New World Order’s expansion did result in the suppression of the media. Sadly, they knew who to buy and these media outlets know what to deliver to keep their readerships. It would seem that people are no longer interested in the truth, but in what sounds good.

The sad thing about this conspiracy is that every person played a part in it due to their neglect of not the media, but their country. If we were smarter, and less easy to influence, then perhaps the world would be a different place. Perhaps freedom would still exist.

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