Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why are many Americans so naïve?

I believe that many Americans are naïve due to a combination of religious indoctrination, poor literacy, childlike optimism, relative lack of suffering, stymied emotional development, and unquestioning acceptance of corporate and government propaganda. These idiosyncrasies or skill deficiencies are not individually unique, but rather work in concert to squash critical thinking skills and create emotional denial that has resulted in acceptance of disinformation, and/or a lack of information. I believe that many people have the innate visceral ability to understand what reality is, but rather than embrace sometimes painful truths they let their emotional defense mechanisms over power their ability to think critically and question deeply and objectively.
Our patriarchal authoritarian systems do not support and encourage critical thinking and questioning, but rather rewards unquestioning allegiance to authority figures, traditions, and institutions. America has developed one of the most sophisticated, insidious, and mind numbing marketing and propaganda machines using primarily “Madison Avenue” tactics and specialized and focused “Think Tanks” to obfuscate reality for the naïve childlike public. From infancy through adulthood we are constantly bombarded with overt and subliminal messages that to be loved and accepted by both family and society we must conform, follow, trust, and unquestionably respect authority.
The parent child relationship forges the first steps for the brain washing of the infant child. Every child wants to be loved and adored, so by fitting the mold of being a “good boy” or “good girl”, the child endeavors to diminish its individuality, act in a socially acceptable definition and control or limit individual creativity in order to achieve the love of the parents.
Many Americans believe the private Federal Reserve Bank is a government operated institution; naïve ignorance again exposes its ugly head. On June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed with the authority to basically strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. Five months later JFK was assassinated for wanting to destroy the central bank cabal and bring a swift peaceful end to the Vietnam War.
There are only five countries that do not have a Central Bank. These countries are Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, Iran, and Libya. What a coincidence that we have invaded Iraq and Libya and have Iran in our gun sights. In addition these three countries have nationalized major oil reserves. The bankers and oil companies have such tremendous power over our government’s military, that we have invaded these countries for their oil, and to create private central banking institutions.
Religion is proof positive that some misdirected Americans believe that to be moral and ethical citizens that they must be unquestioning God fearing religious zealots. A Pew Research poll showed that evangelical religious followers were three times as likely to be only high school graduates, as opposed to their critical thinking more enlightened well educated counter parts. A recent Gallup Poll has concluded that one-third of the American adult population believes the Bible is the actual word of God and is to be taken literally word for word. How naïve and childlike is that type of immature thinking? Fortunately this percentage is slightly lower than several decades ago. Progressively there has been a movement away from extremist religious belief, with many people coming out of the non-sectarian closet and proudly admitting to be Atheist, Agnostic, Pagan, or questioning reformed institutional religious believers.
The funeral industry, mythical Heaven and Hell, and emotional refusal to deal with death as a normal life passage event is another example of naiveté, and emotional denial. How many people do not make pre-arrangements for adequate estate planning or timely funeral plans, because they are naïve about the mature acceptance of death. A useful money saving, “Win-Win” tip is to will your remains to a medical school for the betterment of future mankind. There is no need for wasting money on conscience assuaging funerals, expensive burial plots, or grave markers. If you have the money for these worthless frivolities give it to a life saving or educational charity and forget about enriching your local funeral director. By the way no one is going to “Heaven or Hell”, because it is only a non-existent myth, so be the best you can be while you are alive.
The naïve electorate bites hook, line, and sinker on the redacted incomplete news propaganda that is thrust upon them in concert with the government and corporate owned mass media in order to shape their unquestioning childlike minds into accepting the “Myth of the week”.
Another myth embraced by the Pollyanna naïve American is that wars are fought for “Freedom, Liberation, and Democracy”. Democracy is a US euphemism for privatizing existing government industries and services, with little concern for the human rights of the ordinary citizen. Another myth again, profitable wars are usually started by other people who are evil and bad, but never by the power elite who plot False Flag events with the puppet heads of state. The False Flag attacks on the “Maine in Cuba”, “The Gulf of Tonkin incident”, “CIA commandos acting as Communist rebels in Latin America”, “Pearl Harbor”, and “9/11” are all war creating incidents that were either planned by heads of state or were allowed to happen with the full knowledge and complicity of the corrupt US government.
9 years ago over 80% of the emotionally reactive American electorate was falsely convinced that we should preemptively invade Iraq; a gross error in judgment that will cost over 3 trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives. We invaded Iraq to because we cared so much about humanity and wanted the free the Iraqi people to be free and have a better life. That’s why we destroyed their museums, hospitals, schools, infrastructure, and government buildings. Our invasion created massive unemployment and ultimate desperation that was the cause of much increased terrorism and insurgency. We destroyed every ministry building in Iraq, with the exception of the Oil Ministry that contained important maps and documents that would lead us to all the oil wells and production facilities.
Another myth, The World Bank and International Monetary Fund were created primarily to help third world nations and not enrich international Rockefeller and Rothschild bankers using unaffordable loans and usurious interest rates. I suggest you read “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by Thomas Perkins who for many years was a senior economist and loan packager who entrapped third world countries with unaffordable loans and forced their poor peoples to their knees with over whelming debt.
There will always be greedy people in government working with private industry and financiers to plot and conspire to create wars and oppression for economic gain; it just makes good business sense without the benefit of ethics or a moral compass. These evil forces of greed can be pushed back when people become knowledgeable, release themselves from their mechanism of emotional denial, and take an activist role of conscience and resistance. Unfortunately we are not safe as ordinary citizens from our corrupt government leaders who operate in Fascist manner with captains of industry and finance.
Those who falsely believe that their leaders truly care about their well being would not send 58,000 young men off to die in Vietnam, or cause the murder by controlled demolition of the World Trade Center Towers that killed over 3,000 innocent Americans, foreign nationals, and Muslims; and ultimately killing twice that many by lying about the toxicity of the dust from the explosive forces and fire retardant asbestos. It is time to shed our myopic nationalism and set up an appointment with our local friendly therapist so that we can learn to cope with the painfulness of emotional discomfort and better empower ourselves with the realities of the world. Knowledge is power. “Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance” - Albert Einstein.

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