Sunday, October 10, 2010

We need more American hero’s such as Daniel Ellsberg

Daniel Ellsberg is a consummate example of a modern day patriot who risked his illustrious career for the pursuit of truth, and transparency in government. How many of us have the courage to sacrifice our careers, or being imprisoned, for the triumph of conscience. Finding people who have the courage to be high level government “Whistleblowers” has many obstacles in addition to vocational ruin, such as mysterious death, loss of income, threats to family members, harassment, and “Black Balling” in social and professional communities. We need a high level career professional today, such as an Ellsberg to come forth, who has the courage to uncover the US Government hoax of 911.
"If there’s another 9/11 or a major war in the Middle-East involving a U.S. attack on Iran, I have no doubt that there will be, the day after or within days an equivalent of a Reichstag fire decree that will involve massive detentions in this country." D. Ellsberg
Ellsberg graduated summa cum laude from Harvard, graduated first in his class of 1,100 at Marine officers school, and served as a first lieutenant platoon leader in Vietnam. Ellsberg is a former American military analyst employed by the RAND Corporation, who precipitated a national firestorm in 1971 when he released the Pentagon Papers, the US military's account of activities during the Vietnam War, to The New York Times. The release awakened the American people to a systematic program of organized deception carried out by the Pentagon against the population to continue the Vietnam War.
At a past interview, Ellsberg stated that based on his past associations, he believed that criminal elements of the US government were psychologically capable to have carried out 911.
Ellsberg said that he was associated with people at the highest levels of government who created warring schemes to provoke pro-war sentiment in the US. He is amongst a group of esteemed professionals, military leaders, and other government officials who believe that a new investigation of 911 is paramount.
Every day more and more respected professionals are publicly voicing their questions about the official 911 “Meme”. The 911 cover-up wall is breaking under the weight of these truth seekers' efforts. The perpetrators of 911 are watching the “Truthers” in great fear, while wondering what other incriminating evidence will be spilled into the public forum. The present administration has become so concerned about the public being made so aware of the true facts of 911that they have appointed Cass Sunstein, a legal scholar, to try to spread propaganda on the internet in order to try to “Debunk” hard evidence possibly pointing to US complicity in 911.
A government that was surely intent on truth and transparency, would go to great lengths to uncover the truth about 911, by supporting a new and thorough independent investigation. There have been offers from legal entities, as well as other nations to conduct a new 911 investigation. Again in the interest of truth and integrity why is the US so obstructive to the noble gestures for seeking the truth?
We must not, and cannot rely on our corrupt government and complicit superficial “spin doctor” mass media sources to provide us with honest, complete, and transparent information about issues such as military operations and budgets, foreign relations, and health care reform. I seek out independent sources that have no US government ties, or receive no corporate monies or donations. Even past trusted sources such as NPR are being harnessed by its government and corporate benefactors. I trust news services from other countries, before I take seriously information that has been manipulated by the CIA, Sate Department, and Pentagon.
There is an ever present conflict of interest when the entity that is the reporter or messenger is also the perpetrator of the action. Enron and their cozy auditors, Arthur Anderson are textbook examples of the fraudulent perpetrators, also being the auditor/observer and reporter. Who could ever trust a politician who receives a special interest campaign contribution to act in the best interests of the voters, and not the lobbyist’s client?
Many more people are starting to accept the clear evidence of three massive buildings falling at free fall speed, caused by Controlled Demolitions, and one building not even hit by any flying objects as milestones in the evidence file of the US “official 911 Report” being a cruel hoax perpetrated on a loyal nation. In addition, two independent scientific sources, not tied to the US government or Corporatocracy, have found clear evidence of Thermite and nano-Thermite, a high temperature explosive and incendiary capable of easily melting steel, in the collapsed building debris.
Is there an “Ellsberg” building up courage, standing in the wings of high level government, being tugged at by his conscience, who will come forth as a great patriot to expose the egregious US crime of 911? Will alleged passenger jet liners, high jacked by CIA actors, and crashing into massive buildings, allegedly causing their free fall collapse be the next “911-e-gate”? We must bring an end to the “Gulf of Tonkin’s”, “Operation Northwood’s”, Fantasy “Warren Commissions“, “Illegal Bombings of Cambodia’s”, “Iran Contras”, “911’s”, and many other False Flag events that perpetuate wars, only support the wealthy and powerful, kill and maim many innocents, and keep us perpetually in debt. I believe that 911 is the biggest “Canary in the Mine” to date, of False Flag events, that needs to be thoroughly uncovered, in order to stop these deceptive catalysts leading to needless wars and conflicts. Uncovering False Flag events is not an issue of partisanship, leaders of both major political parties have been equally complicit in these deceitful acts that lead to wars.
The short term pain of US high level official embarrassment, due to the 911 event, will eventually heal, but the long term “Sweetness of Truth” will live on to be a major boost to the people’s confidence in ultimate justice and transparency in government. This “Ugly 911 Elephant in the Room” must be removed for the survival of our country, and the cleansing of our national and spiritual integrity.
What is the value of blind loyalty to country, company, and military, without first applying morality, integrity, justice, and humanity? If our blind loyalty, greed, fear, apathy, and denial triumph over truth, fairness, and justice, then we have clearly lost our way as a nation and a human race. We should never feel intimidated, uncomfortable, unpatriotic, or disloyal for asking the sometimes difficult and important questions.

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