Saturday, July 24, 2010

**The Dumbing Down of America

My article in Benicia Herald 7/27/10

I believe that there is an unfortunate trend in our country of our citizenry becoming less knowledgeable about important issues requiring quality information and critical thinking skills in the area of economic, personal, and political survival. The major institutions that contribute to the malicious or benign “Dumbing Down” of Americans are Religion, our Educational System, Poverty, the Anti-Intellectualism movement, Media disinformation and spin, Government Corruption, Corporate America, and the superficial Entertainment Industry. Ultimately it is the individuals passion, intellectual cogitative ability, and choice of how they choose to spend their waking hours that will greatly factor into their ability to think critically and be knowledgeable.
Orthodox and Evangelical Religions have been one the greatest factors in impeding an individual’s ability to think critically, question, embrace new ideas, and look to logic and reasons for realistic answers, rather than the abstract “Blind Faith” method. Should one choose their brain surgeon based on “Faith”, or should one question, perform due diligence, and have provable supportive information for making an intelligent decision for choosing their doctor? Reformed movements have developed primarily in the Jewish and Christian religions to adapt, retain their followers, and embrace those who see the bible as a collection of myths or memes, not provable facts. Past examples of religions resistance to knowledge was the Catholic Church’s mass burning of books in Venice, during the Inquisition. Galileo was persecuted and considered a heretic for espousing logical scientific data. Also according to “Gallup”, 56% believe that the origin of life is the result of Intelligent Design not Evolution, or natural selection. This Gallup survey shows the mass amount of ignorance that is primarily supported by religious myth and dogma that has no logical or scientific basis in fact, but is derived from a 3,000 year old story book of myths. There is a saying that “If a lie or myth is repeated enough over time, that it eventually becomes fact”.
Our public educational system is focused on rote memorization of facts, test taking, and moving students on to higher grade levels, even though they have not mastered the subject manner. Due to shrinking government revenues, class sizes have increased, special student programs have been eliminated, and those students who have special needs are being left behind. California spends 12% of its budget on incarceration and related services, but does a very poor job of educating inmates who will eventually transition back into society.
Those in poverty are usually not afforded the same safe environment, educational, and cultural opportunities by our society that the affluent have available. How can we expect to move many in poverty out of their desperate conditions, unless we give them extra opportunities, skills, resources, and focus that they need, to move them beyond a stagnant existence.
Intellectualism is not generally valued in our country by the mass’s, intellectuals are seen by many people as a threat to religion and traditionalism. That “Kool Guys” do not embrace Intellectualism is a sad commentary on our value system. Intellectuals are also seen as a tool to be used only by governments, universities, and corporations. In the past intellectuals have been ridiculed as “Eggheads, Geeks, Anarchists, Communists, and people who do not have common sense.
Unfortunately the days of quality mass media journalism, where facts and important information were reported by the likes of Edward R. Murrow and Woodward-Bernstein have been now filtered, “Spun”, and “Info-Tained” due to the influence of corporate controls, CIA censoring of important information, and the governments influence on the media in general. One has to go on NPR, out of the country, or to underground news sources to find out the truth about the war in Iraq, who really caused “911”, or what is really happening on Wall Street.
Two thirds of Americans have three or more television sets in their homes. Forty Nine percent of Americans say that they watch too much TV. Children and teens spend an average of four hours a day, or more watching TV or playing video games on their computers. We occupy ourselves and revert to fantasyland, by our addictions to spectator sports, reality shows, soap operas, quiz shows, and serials that take up approximately twenty eight hours per week. Our waking time could be better spent on self improvement such as reading a book, taking a class, spending quality conversational time with our families, watching a rented documentary, or researching important information on the internet that can empower our lives and our ability to make valuable life decisions. In a 65-year lifetime the average person will have spent nine years glued to the tube. My partner and I cancelled our cable TV subscription so that we would not be diverted by the mindless commercial television programs.

I once overheard a fellow seriously say that he would vote for Sarah Palin, because she was a “Hot Babe”. Now that superficial statement about a potential candidate for public office has nothing to do with the job description, but is an indictment of our vapid society. In balance, it is also equally important for us to be playful, have fun, a sense of humor, and to take time to rest our minds from the seriousness of life. If we are to progress as a society, be able to have the proper information and critical thinking tools to make thoughtful decisions, and to improve or a broken government system it is incumbent upon each and every one of us to hone our critical thinking skills, be an activist, question the status quo, and continually improve our knowledge base.

Harvey is a Benicia businessman. You may visit Harvey’s Blog and leave comments at:

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