Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Words Don’t Always Lead to Actions

Words Don’t Always Lead to Actions
These folks generally don’t support: stopping capital punishment, aid for prenatal care, family planning, environmental responsibility, detente, assault weapon control, aid to improve mental and physical health, stem cell research, research for improved medical care, etc.

These conservative legislators generally voted down: increased funding for battlefield armor, increased veterans benefits, better medical care and conditions at VA hospitals, increased treatment for Post Traumatic Distress.

Def: disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change. To limit the influence government and fiscal spending.
These conservative politicians generally supported: increased censorship on the arts, media, and publications. The greatest deficit spending during the G.W. Bush and Reagan eras. The greatest increased power imbalance to the Executive branch in history. The greatest increase in the national debt. Minimal and decreased oversight of our natural resources and the environment ( “TR”, a previous progressive Republican would be turning in his grave). Resistance to creating energy efficiency and sustainability. Support continued disparity in pay for men and women. Increased influence of evangelical agenda in legislation. Hypocritical attitudes about “States Rights”

“COMPASSIONATE Conservative”
Little or no Compassion, just an OXIMORON to hoodwink people in the middle.

Data and metrics clearly prove that: geographic areas of greatest economic growth and affluence tend to be more progressive and liberal minded. Tolerance and acceptance stimulates the economy. During more liberal administrations: unemployment was lower, the return on stocks was higher, the economy was more robust, general economic indicators were greater, spending on defense was lower, the economic playing field for all Americans was more fair. The was less Fear Mongering. Liberals don’t always promote Big Government.
“Traditions should always be embraced”
Traditions are many times anti-societal and regressive: Segregation, misogynistic laws, lack of non-inclusive legislation, support of homophobic attitudes in society and the military. That our best knowledge is from a mythical story book thousands of years old, as opposed to deductive reasoning and the scientific method. Only people who practice an organized religion are moral. Women are inferior to men. The only real solution to discord is violence.

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