Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why we go to war. Iraq the latest mistake?

Just remember no war has ever been started because of Democracy its always about natural resources or industrial assets:

People with an interest in controlling the economics of a certain region, through their intelligence agencies, will create a horrific incident, which will incite the common people to war. The wealthy and powerful are not going to spend a lot of money just to defend human rights, it’s never happened in modern history.

Vietnam -drugs
Iraq/Kuwait – oil
Chile -copper
Kosovo/Serbia – precious metal mines & smelters
Iraq 911- Oil
Afghanistan – drugs & gas pipelines

Do you ever ask yourself why Iraq not North Korea. North Korea has no strategic economic resources.

Anywhere from $500 Billion to 1.5 Trillion of US economy relies on the cash income from illegal drugs. Banks, Wall Street, Corporations, Income spent by drug dealers, Prison guards, Lawyers all benefit from illegal drugs. When politicians tell you that the US wants to wipe out illegal drugs it makes no sense economically for the fore mentioned players. The CIA uses drug money to purchase arms that create disruption in other countries that therefore give us reasons for military spending. As long as the average American sees the world through their “honest principled eyes” they will always be able to be duped by powerful people in high levels of government.

How many “Honest Patriotic Upstanding” Americans risked their lives to protect the assets of big corporations and governments. Only the wealthy and people who know how to work the “Conflict Torn System” benefit from wars. How many wealthy people died in Vietnam and Iraq. The problem is if you want “To Catch a Crook, you need to think like One”. Seeing the world through Eyes of Integrity and Principle, without understanding the greedy motives will always setup the common man for being used as a pawn in the dangerous game of war. It must be very painful for those who risked their lives in many wars with the best principled intentions to find out that they were “Duped Big Time”. How many Senators and Congressman’s sons and daughters died or were injured in Iraq compared to the general population. The guy that owns’ the coal mine, chemical plant, or steel mill never gets hurt or dies, it’s always the guy on the line.

Thank you,

Harvey Rifkin

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