Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why so much Obama Opposition?

From my perception I have never seen the degree of vitriol and resistance to a Democratic president of the US , even going back to Truman. I am curious why this negativity is happening to such a great degree to Obama, compared to other past presidents.

I am doing my own survey. In your estimation and from your vantage point, what number [1 through 5, where 5 is the strongest] would you attribute to the following Obama resistance factors?

Please take a moment of your time to respond. Thank you for your time.


____Moderate Liberal

____Black Man

____Too Intellectual

____ The “Socialism” bad word

____General fear of change due to the strained economy

____He has a legislative branch where the majority party generally agrees with his policies

____Distant, not folksy enough

_____Other Factors such as_________________________________________________________________________________

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